TEA Tea is one of the most popular drinks around the world. People drink it hot and iced. And people drink it anytime, anywhere, and for any reason. But how is tea made? Did you know all teas come from the same plant? That’s right. The tea plant is grown on tea farms all around the world. This tea plant has leaves that are green all year round. The leaves are harvested and then treated to make different flavor teas. The tea leaves will have different flavors depending on where they are grown and how they are processed. How does tea get from a farm to your cup? When the tea plant is ready for harvest, farmers and workers go into the field. They will choose and pick the right leaves from the plant. After the leaves are collected, they will be laid out to dry for several hours. When the leaves are about 60 to 70 percent dry, they will be rolled to get rid of any extra moisture inside. The next step in the process will decide the tea’s color, taste and strength. In this step, leaves are laid out in a warm room. The oxygen in the air causes the leaves to change color. To make a tea with a lighter taste, like white or green tea, the leaves are laid out for a shorter time. For a stronger, darker tea leave, the leaves will be laid out for a longer time. When the leaves are the right color, they will be put through some hot air driers to dry them even more. After this, the leaves are sorted and packed for sale. [材料从10秒处开始听写]