【书信诵读】LETTERS LIVE-Andrew Scott reads "Do" by Sol LeWitt

【书信诵读】LETTERS LIVE-Andrew Scott reads "Do" by Sol LeWitt

2016-03-11    06'29''

主播: 一只小安煮

9224 208

【LETTERS LIVE】 “Letters Live”自2013年12月首次举办,从意义上可以理解为“见字如晤”,活动由英国Canongate出版社发起,邀请来自音乐、艺术、文学等领域的名人现场朗读那些“理应受到更广泛关注”的书信,向书信写作艺术及其不朽的力量致敬。 这些被朗读的书信作者通常来自于世界各地,写信的年代更是跨越几个世纪。 本季活动的时间为2016年3月10日-15日,英国伦敦。 【Andrew Scott reads "Do" by Sol LeWitt 】 April 14th,1965 1965年4月14日 Dear Eva, 亲爱的Eva It will be almost a month since you wrote to me 距离你上封信已经快过去了一个月 and you have possibly forgotten your state of mind. 你可能已经忘了你当时的状态。 I doubt it though (尽管我不这么觉得) You seem the same as always 你似乎没怎么变 and being you,hate every minute of it. 憎恨身而为你的每一分钟。 Don't! 不要这样! Learn to say, "Fuck you"to the world once in a while. 试着学会对世界竖起中指。 You have every right to. 你有权利这么做。 Just stop thinking,worrying, 只要停止思考,担忧 looking over your shoulder, 多虑多思 wondering,doubting,fearing,hurting, 彷徨怀疑恐惧伤害 hoping for some easy way out, 幻想有简单的解决方式 strugging,grasping,confusing,itching, 纠结 固守 混乱 渴求 scratching,mumbling,bumbling,grumbling, 抓耳挠腮 含糊其辞 结结巴巴 嘟嘟囔囔 humbling,stumbling,numbling,rambling, 低声下气 磕磕绊绊 麻木不仁 东拉西扯 gambling,tumbling,scumbling,scrambling 孤注一掷 冒冒失失 轻描淡写 仓促行事 hitching,hatching,bitching,moaming, 漫无目的 慢慢吞吞 抱怨呻吟 groaning,honing,boning,horse-shitting, 挑挑拣拣 磨磨蹭蹭 胡说八道 hair-splitting,nit-picking, 愤世嫉俗 吹毛求疵 piss-trickling,nose sticking,ass-gouging, 扭扭捏捏 自作多情 漫天要价 eyeball-poking,finger-pointing, alleyway-sneaking, 夺人眼球 指指点点 偷偷摸摸 longwaiting,smallstepping, evileyeing,backscratching, 干等不做 消极怠世 虎视眈眈 searching,perching,besmirching,grinding, 寻觅 停留 糟蹋 消磨 grinding,grinding away of yourself. 消磨 把自己消磨殆尽 Just stop it 停下这一切 and just--Do! 放手去做! From your description and from what I know of your previous work and your ability 从你的描述中以及凭借我对你 之前作品和能力的了解 the work you are doing souds very good 你正在创作的作品非常优秀 "Drawing-clean-clear but crazy like machines, 绘画笔触干净却如机器般疯狂 larger and bolder...real nonsense." 宏大也更大胆 真正的无意义 That sounds fine,wonderful--real nonsense 听起来真的很不错 真正的无意义 Do more 继续做 More nonsensical,more crazy,more machines, 创作更多无意义 疯狂 机械的作品 more breasts,penises,cunts,whatever-- 更多的乳房 阳具 阴部 或者随便什么 make them abound with non-sense 让它们去展现无意义 Try and tickle something inside you, 试着触碰你的内心 your"weird humor" 你那“古怪的幽默感” You belong in the most secret part of you 你内心深处最私密的部分 才是真正的你 Don't worry about cool 不要老想着扮酷 Make your own uncool 放下这些 Make your own,your own world 创造出属于你自己的世界 If you fear,make it work for you 如果你恐惧 就把这恐惧化作灵感 Draw and paint your fear and anxiety 画出你的恐惧 焦虑 and stop worrying about big deep things 不要去考虑那些宏大深邃的主题 such as 比如 "to decide on a purpose and way of life 决定生活的目的和方式 a consistent approach to even some impossible end or even an imagined end" 用一成不变的方式去抵达 那个可能根本不存在的终点 You must practice being stupid,dumb,unthinking,empty 你必须学会装傻 清空思绪 彻底放松 Then you will be able to do! 这样你才能去做! I have much confidence in you 我对你充满信心 and even though you are tormenting youself, 就算你不断自我折磨 the work you do is every good. 但是你的作品非常出色 Try to do some bad work-- 试着去把一些作品搞砸 the wrost you can think of and see what happens 朝着你觉得最差的方向努力 然后看看结果 but mainly relax 但最重要的是放松 Let everything go to hell 让其他的一切都见鬼吧 You are responsible for the world 你不必对整个世界负责 you are only responsible for your work --so do it 你只需要对你的作品负责 ---所以放手去做 And don't think that your work has to conform to any preconceived form,idea or flavor 不要想着你的作品必须符合某种 既成的形式 想法或风格 It can be anything you want it to be 你可以随心所欲的创作 But if life would be easier for you if you stopped working-- 如果你觉得停止创作 生活可能会更容易些 then stop! 那就停下! Don't punish yourself 不要惩罚自己 However,I think that it is so deeply ingrained in you 不过 我认为只要你内心有创作的冲动 that it would be easier to do 那么要想让生活变得更容易 只有 去创作 It seems I do understand your attitude somewhat,anyway 从某种程度上说 我能理解你的态度 because I go through a similar process every so often 因为我时不时会经历同样的过程 I have an "agonizing reappraisal"of my work 我会对自己的作品进行自我折磨似的重审 and change everything as much as possible 然后进行翻天覆地的改变 and hate everything I've done 讨厌之前创作出的一切 and try to do something entirely different and better! 试图彻底颠覆和完善 Maybe that kind of process is necessary to me 也许对我来说这是个必经的过程 pushing me on and on 可以促我向前 The feeling that I can do better than that shit just did 总觉得自己能比之前做的更好 Maybe you need your agony to accomplish what you do 也许你需要让自己痛苦 才能完成创作 and may be it goads you on to do better 也许这会激励你不断进步 But it is very painful,I know 但是这个过程非常痛苦 It would be better if you had the confidence 如果你对自己有信心 just to do the stuff and not think about it 只需要创作 不需要思考 也许会好很多 Can't you leave the "world" and "art" alone? 你能不能不再去想什么世界 艺术? And also quit fonding your ego 也别再去挑逗你的自我 I know that you,or anyone, can only work so much 我知道你 或者任何人 只能花一部分时间创作 and the rest of the time you are left with your thoughts 剩下的时间用来思考 But when you work or before your work 但是当你在创作时 或是准备创作前 you have to empty your mind 你必须清空你的思想 and concentrate on what you are doing 专注在创作本身 After you do something 创作结束 it is done and that is that 作品就完成了 After a while you can see some are better than others 一段时间之后 你会发现某些作品比其他作品要好 but also you can see what direction you are going 但你也会清楚自己该往哪个方向努力 I'm sure you know all that 我想这些你都很明白 You also must know that you don't have to justify your work 你还必须知道 你不需要为你的作品“正名” not even yourself 甚至不需要对你自己解释些什么 Well,you know I admire your work greatly 你知道 我非常欣赏你的作品 and can't understand why you are so bothered by it. 完全不理解为什么你会如此烦恼 But you can see the next ones and I can't 但是你能预见你之后的作品 而我不能 You must also believe in your ability 所以我想你应该对自己的能力非常自信 I think you do 我是这么觉得的 So try the most outrageous things you can 所以 大胆尝试吧 Shock yourself! 让自己震惊 You have at your power the ability to do anything 你有能力 可以尝试一切 I would like to see you work 我非常想看到你的作品 and will have to be content to wait untill August or September 但还得等到八月或九月 I've seen photos of some of Tom's new thing at Lucy's 我在Lucy那里看到了一些Tom的新作品 They are very impressive 令人印象深刻 especially the ones with the more rigorous form 尤其是那些更规整和简单的作品 The simpler ones I guess he'll send some more later on 我想之后他会寄来更多 Let me know the show are going and that kind of stuff 让我知道展览进展如何 My work has changed since you left and it is much better 你离开之后 我的作品风格大变 现在越来越好 I will be having a show May 4th to 29th 5月4日到29日 我会举行个展 at the Danniels Gallery 17 East 64th Street, 就在Daniels画廊 地址是西64街17号 where Emmerich was 以前Emmerich那儿 I wish you could be there 希望你能来看 Much love to you both 爱你们俩 -Sol 【关于这封信】 艺术家索尔·勒维特(Sol LeWitt)1965年4月14日写给伊娃·海瑟(Eva Hesse)的信推心置腹且影响深远,它记录了两位艺术巨匠之间最真诚的交流。 1965年,艺术家伊娃·海瑟和丈夫结束了一年的欧洲之行回到纽约。回到纽约以后,伊娃开始转变自己的艺术风格,然而在她开始大量创作的同时,伴随而来的却是深深的怀疑。 在深陷创作迷茫期的伊娃致信索尔后,索尔的回信洋洋洒洒写了5页。信上写着大大的“DO”,代表着索尔鼓励伊娃放手去“做”。 信的内容涉及到艺术家创作实践中所遇到的共同问题,索尔·勒维特诚恳且率直的建议,不仅对伊娃,对后来的艺术家同样具有启迪意义,值得更多人阅读。 节目原视频地址:https://www.nowness.com/series/letters-live/andrew-scott-sol-lewitt-eva-hesse?utm_source=tw&utm_medium=SM&utm_campaign=tw40316