《听见英国》U9L1 Healthy Diet 健康饮食

《听见英国》U9L1 Healthy Diet 健康饮食

2015-02-27    01'10''

主播: ikey

250 38

Unit 9 Health 健康 Listening 1 Healthy Diet 健康饮食 英语听力原文: Tom:Hi,Anna!What are you reading? Anna:It's a health magazine.There's a questionnaire to see if you've got a healthy diet or not. Shall we try it together, Tom? T:OK.What's the first question? A:How often do you eat take-always? T:Urm,about once or twice a week. How about you? A:I hate take-away food. The last time I ate it was about six months ago...so...very rarely. T:Next question...how often do you eat junk food? Oh,I love chocolate, crisps and soft drinks.So,almost every day. A:Wow.Well,I like chocolate too,but I don't eat crisps or sweets very often. So...sometimes. T:And the third question?Do you try to but low-fat foods,for example skimmed milk and low-fat cheese? A:Yes,always. T:Sometimes,if I'm trying to diet...but I can only do it for a few days. A:OK.Last question.How often do you eat salads or fresh fruit? T:I often eat fresh fruit.I love it but I'm too lazy to make salads very often. And you? A:I try to eat salad three or four times a week and usually have a piece of fruit every day. 英语听力翻译: 汤姆:嗨,安娜!你在看什么? 安娜:这是一本健康杂志。这里有个调查表,可以检查你的饮食是否健康。我们要不要一起做做看,汤姆? 汤姆:好啊。第一个问题是什么? 安娜:你多久吃一次外带或外卖的食物? 汤姆:呃,大概一个礼拜1 到2 次。你呢? 安娜:我讨厌外带食物,最后一次吃大概是6 个月前吧......所以.....非常少。 汤姆:下个问题.....你多久吃一次垃圾食物?喔,我超爱巧克力、炸薯条和汽水。所以,几乎每天。 安娜:哇。嗯,我也喜欢巧克力,但是我不常吃薯片或甜食。所以.....偶尔。 汤姆:第三个问题呢?你会尽量买低脂食品,例如脱脂牛奶和低脂起司吗? 安娜:嗯,我总是如此。 汤姆:有时候,如果我要减肥的话.....但是我只能撑个几天而已。 安娜:好,最后一个问题。你多久吃一次色拉或新鲜水果? 汤姆:我常吃新鲜水果。我也喜欢色拉,但是很懒得自己常常动手做。你呢? 安娜:我一个礼拜要吃3 到4 次色拉,而且通常每天都会吃一份水果。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英语听力测试任务1: [1] 英式和美式英语中,有不少同样的意思用不同的字汇来表示的例子,例如下面1~5列出的英式英语字汇,请从(A)~(E)的美式英语字汇中选出意思相同的选项。 1. take-away (A) French fries 2. crisps (B) cookie 3. sweets (C) takeout 4. chips (D) candy 5. biscuit (E) potato chips [2] 下面是英语中表示频率的副词,请按照频率由低至高的先后顺序加以编号。 _______ sometimes _______ very often ___1 never _______ often _______ not very often _______ occasionally ____9___always _______ rarely _______ very rarely 答案: [l] 1.C 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.B [2] 6 sometimes 8 very often 1 never 7 often 4 not very often 5 occasionally 9 always 3 rarely 2 very rarely 英语听力测试任务2: 请根据对话内容回答问题。 Q:Who has the healthier diet? A: ________________________ 答案:Anna 英语听力测试任务3: 请根据对话内容,判断下面句子是否正确,如果符合对话内容,请在T做记号,如果不符合,请在F做记号。 1. They are talking about a TV health question programme. (T)(F) 2. Anna eat less take-aways than Tom. (T)(F) 3. They both like chocoalate. (T)(F) 4. Tom always buys low-fat foods. (T)(F) 答案:1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 英语听力测试任务4: 对话中谈到了四个主题,请按照这些主题出现的先后顺序加以编号。请注意有些主题在对话中没有提到。 _________ How often do you drink milk? _________ How often do you eat junk food? _________ How often do you buy salad? _________ How often do you eat take-aways? _________ How often do you eat salads or fresh fruit? _________ How often do you diet? _________ How often do you buy low-fat foods? 答案: 2 How often do you eat junk food? 1 How often do you eat take-aways? 4 How often do you eat salads or fresh fruit? 3 How often do you eat buy low-fat foods? 英语听力测试任务5: 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。 1. How often does Tom eat take-awsys? (A) At least once a week (B) Once a week (C) Once or twice a month (D) Very rarely 2. Which statement is true about the junk food they eat? (A) Anna hates junk food. (B) Anna doesn’t often eat sweets. (C) They both often eat crisps. (D) Anna doesn’t eat sweets. 3. How often does Tom buy low-fat foods? (A) Always (B) A few days a week (C) Sometimes (D) More often than Ann 4. Which statement is true about the fruit and salad they eat? (A) They both eat a lot of salads. (B) Anna eats salads three or four times a week. (C) They both often eat salads. (D) Tom is too lazy to eat fruit. 答案:1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B