《听见英国》_U12L1 Foreign Exchange 兑换外国货币

《听见英国》_U12L1 Foreign Exchange 兑换外国货币

2015-02-27    01'49''

主播: ikey

258 46

Unit 12 Money 金钱 Listening 1 Foreign Exchange 兑换外国货币 英语听力原文: Bank Clerk:Hi,how can I help you? Customer:Hello,I'd like to buy £500 worth of Japanese yen.Say,£300 in traveller's cheques and £200 in cash,please. BC:Have you got a bank account with us?Urm,not necessarily at this branch. C:No,I've just got £500 in cash. BC:OK,then this is today's rate and the handling charge. £500 will come to ¥98,542 but we don't do any coins here.So it will be £497.30 for 98,000 including the handling charge.Would you still like to have £300 in traveller's cheques and the rest in cash? C:Yes,please. BC:Now, how would you like to have your traveller's cheques and cash? C:Well,what type of notes are there in Japanese yen? BC: ¥10,000 notes which are worth about £50 and ¥5,000 notes worth about £25 and ¥1,000 notes worth just over £5. C:Right,then...for traveller's cheques,six ¥10,000 notes and...for cash,well,two ¥10,000 notes and 18 ¥1,000 notes,please. BC:OK,so for traveller's cheques,six ¥10,000 notes and...for cash,two ¥10,000 notes and 18 ¥1,000 notes? C:Thank you. BC:Here you are.These are your traveller's cheques.Please make sure you sign on each one.And this is your cash.Thank you. C:Thank you.Bye. BC:Bye. 英语听力翻译: 银行行员:嗨,请问需要什么服务吗? 顾客:哈啰,我想要买500 英镑的日圆,分成300 英镑的旅行支票和200 英镑的现金。 行员:您在本银行有账户吗?呃,不一定是这个分行的账户。 顾客:没有,我只有500 英镑的现金。 行员:好的,那么这是今天的汇率以及手续费。500 英镑等于98,542 日圆,但是我们不提供日圆硬币。所以是497.30 英镑兑换98,000 日圆,含手续费。您还是要300 英镑的旅行支票,其余的换现金吗? 顾客:是的,谢谢。 行员:那么,旅行支票和现金要换多大的面额呢? 顾客:嗯,日圆有哪些面额的钞票? 行员:1 万日圆的钞票大约等于50 英镑,5 千日圆大约等于25 英镑,1 千日圆大概比5 英镑多一点点。 顾客:这样啊,那......旅行支票请给我6 张万元日币面额的,然后......现金,嗯,2 张万元面 额的和18 张千元面额的,谢谢。 行员:好的,所以旅行支票是6 张万元日币面额的.......现金是2 张万元面额的和18 张千元面额的? 顾客:谢谢。 行员:好了,这是您的旅行支票,请记得每一张都要签名。这是您的现金。谢谢您的光临。 顾客:谢谢你,再见。 行员:再见。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英语听力测试任务1: 接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~7 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)~(G)中选出意思最接近的选项。 1. worth (A) to total 2. bank account (B) a division of a business or other organization 3. branch (C) with 4. handling charge (D) service charge for dealing with money 5. come to … (E) something you open at a bank to keep your money in 6. including (F) value 7. note (G) a piece of paper money 答案:1.F 2.E 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7. G 英语听力测试任务2: 请根据对话内容,选出一个正确的答案。 Where is this conversation being held? (A)At a travel agency (B)At a stock exchange (C)At a branch of a bank 答案:C 英语听力测试任务3: 请按照顺序写出在对话中出现阶段的前10个数字,其中有重复出现的数字(不需要特别标出英镑£ 或日元¥的符号)。 ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 答案: 英语听力测试任务4: 请根据对话内容回答问题。 1. Would the customer like to buy Japanese yen or sell it? A: ____________________________ 2. How much would the customer like to have in traveller’s cheques? A: ____________________________ 3. Has the customer got a bank account at the branch? A: ____________________________ 4. Does the bank have any coins in Japanese yen? A: ____________________________ 5. Does the customer know what type of notes there are in Japanese yen beforehand? A: ____________________________ 答案:1Buy 2 $300 3No 4 No 5 No