

2015-04-24    08'27''

主播: ikey

245 23

My transcript here... Doctor, just take it!! Hey, hello, guys, long time no see/because I was busy preparing my TEM-4 exam before/ and now all finished and although I don’t know whether I can pass it,but.. it’s ok, at least it’s over and I’m gonna to continue enjoy watching the doctor who ! Yep, that’s me. Who? OK, I suppose I’ve addicted too much to Doctor Who and start to appear the illusion. But can’t deny that 10th Doctor is so handsome! Yes, I do. Oh, for god sake, Doctor? is that you? Yep. And this. Oii! What happen? Did anyone hear that? Doctor?... Oh, don’t be silly. So where was I? Oh, yes, I just want to talk about the Doctor who. Let’s see, I summed it up and I’ll read this for you: Doctor who, a time-traveler kidnaps some humans, hides them inside a surprisingly large box, and introduces them to some aliens. And the doctor himself is a man who keeps changing into different men who are somehow the same man just with progressively worse taste in fashion, while London keeps getting invaded by aliens and the universe explodes a couple of time.. Are you going to read out that whole thing? Oh yes, of course, that’s my favorite. Hold on, who exactly are you? I’m the time traveler. What? Or…I was. I’m struck ..in 1969.. -Martha:We’re stuck. All of space and time, He promised me. Now I’ve got a job in a shop, I’ve got to support him! Martha? Sorry. Oh, that lady’s voice… Oh,I know. That’s you! Definitely you, doctor and Martha. But what? 1969? Here’s 2015! Are you in my phone? I know that my phone is bigger on the inside! Martha works in a shop in my phone? You mean the shop in the QQ-farm? Quite possibly. Oh, I didn’t play that game for years. Is it running good? Afraid so. But, no, hold on. Although I really really fancy you, but I know you are not real, you are a fiction character, and the doctor is acted by David Tennant who is 44 years old now. 38. 38? Don’t fool me, please. My TEM-4 exam was on the same day of David’s 44 year-old birthday and I even dined out to celebrate it! Yes…People don’t understand of time, it’s not what you think it is… All all all right.. then what exactly the time is? It’s very complicated Oii, how complicated? Very complicated. Ok,ok, I know…then just tell me,tell me, tell me! Please! People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff... Wimbly-what.. Timly- what? I don’t understand I am Chinese actually, you can’t just get away from you.. It.. got away from me, yes.. Well, ok, I will look up from the dictionary latter.. now listen to me… Well, I can hear you. I know you can hear me but I need you to listen. Well not hear you exactly, but I know everything you’ll to say. Oh my god, You are not making sense, how can you exactly know, you are trapped in my phone not my head! And I am not even finishing what I’m going to say! I’ve got a copy of the finished transcript. It’s on my autocue … My transcript? Yes I have written a transcript about doctor who but I didn’t expect a real doctor will appear.ok? So what do you mean? Look to your left. All right…I see my two pears… Don’t let me eat pears! I hate pears! Oii, that’s my pears and I’m not going to give you.. All right, I still have some cookies.. Fantast… Hey, if I interrupt? What are you talking about? What’s the point with my cookies? You hungry? you want some? I told you I’m a time traveler, I got it from the future. You got it in the future? That’s impossible, I eat them all now, sorry.. You’d better come right now. wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey Oh my god, I told you I don’t understand what that mean! Are you listening? What matter is, we can communicate. I know we are communicating but I don’t understand.. Can you speak Chinese? A little? 我听不明白.. We’ve got big problem now! Oh, shut up, you always got problems.. They have taken the Blue box, haven’t they? Who? The angles have the phone box. Phone box? My phone doesn’t have a box, even a case… oh, hold on, sorry.. Your phone box! Tardis!!! You mean you lost it? Or you sold it on Amazon? ok, just a joke.. so tell me, what angles? The creatures from another world. I don’t believe there’s any angle. It’s not a fairy tale. Only when you see them. What do you mean, who are they? The lonely assassin they used to be called, no one quite knows where they came from. They’re as old as the university, or very nearly. And they’ve survived this long as they have the most perfect defence system ever evolved. They are quantum locked. They don’t exist when being observed. The moment they’re seen by any other living creature, they freeze into rock. No choice, it’s a fact of their biology. In the sight of any living thing, they literally turn to stone. And you can’t kill a stone. I was a stone.. kill me right now.. Of course, a stone can’t kill you either.. But then you turn your head away, then you blink. And oh yes.. it can. It sounds horrible.. That’s why they cover their eyes, they’re not weeping, they can’t risk looking at each other. Their greatest asset is their greatest curse. They can never be seen. The loneliest creatures in the universe. Are you asking me for help then.. ok, but..first thing first, can I be your company if I take you out of my phone? I’m sorry.. I’m very very sorry.. Ok..Ok.. I know, you are missing Rose all the time. Then why you turn to me for help? It’s up to you now. Yes, that’s because you know I’ll help you, I will always help.But how? The blue box, it’s my time machine. I know, your Tardis. There is a world of time energy in there, they could feast on forever. And the damage they can do can switch off the sun. You’ve got to send it back to me. Joking? How can I find your phone box? And Where are the angles? Ah, that’s it, I’m afraid… There’s no more from you on the transcript, that’s all I’ve got. …………… I don’t know what stopped you talking but I can guess. They’re coming, the angles are coming for you. But, No! That you who they want! Not me! Why are they coming for me!? Listen, Your life could depend on this. WHAT? Don’t blink! I’m not blinking. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead. I will never blink again.. They’re fast, faster than you could believe. Don’t turn your back, don’t look away, and don’t blink. Then? Good luck. What? Doctor? Doctor? What.. ?
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