广播剧丨Dead Air part1

广播剧丨Dead Air part1

2015-05-02    05'51''

主播: ikey

190 23

书接上一回,10th Doctor 困在我手机。。。 非专业,就玩玩~~ 这次是什么鬼?听听呗~~ Hello, I’m the doctor, if you can hear this, then one of us are going to die. Varg: What’s going on? I: Varg, do you remember I have told you about the doctor? He’s real! Varg: What are you talking about? How can it be? I: of course he’s real, and he’s stuck in my phone, he has asked me for help but I don’t know how. Varg: You are kidding!? Then where’s he now? I: hold on a minute.. doctor, doctor, are you still there? 33 over here I: yes, I can hear you, are you ok? Why you heard so weak? What’s going on? it’s dark here Varg: It can’t be… I: no, now, you should trust me, and help the doctor. Varg: but how? I’m still here you know. I’m stuck. I: Yes, I’m sorry doctor, I didn’t find out your Tardis, and the angles just disappeared… what can we do now? Um, I’m not sure. Varg: it must be something wrong whit all this thing… It can’t be true, it’s ridiculous. I: don’t argue with me now,Varg, Can’t you see? It’s all happening now! doctor, is there no way out? 37I’m glad you ask me that. You don’t want an angry tape rounding in do you? 32 I don’t think I’m going to get out of here easily, am I? I:No,doctor, it must be some ways out! 1.43 don’t worry 44 I got a backup plan Varg:What’s that? Modify the transmitter of yours Surely that, it’s stupid I know 最终方法 and that’s the end of it I:Ok.. wait a minute… TARDIS LANDING Good afternoon, I’m Doctor John Smith. I: Oh, Doctor, it’s you. The real one! Hello, I’m ikey, and this is Varg. How can you escape! Well,I was worry for a moment, am I not be in here? But I’m very good at trap. I realize I was in a recording stadio. Trap in a tape loop…….. I’m the doctor, and I am very good in the dark 37 So glad to have me back Varg: Who are you!! The doctor Varg:Doctor who? 1. They call me the doctor, come to chill out those cats. and well Varg: What are you doing here! 1.19.5 I’m here to save the world. Varg: but you can’t be.. 36 Yeah,yeah,yeah, you know that it can’t be bad. What are you doing here? I’m here to save the world. I: what was going on? I don’t believe that is you.. 43 Yes it is, I’m stuck on the other side of this door. I:A door? You said you were in my phone.. but you can’t be here now… but I’m brilliant you know. (博士自己讲如何逃脱) I:So we saved you? Thank you 44Very good work But why they let me live? I:What do you mean? Not the angles? What’s that? Well..imagine you are in a quiet room, a really quiet room. Take away the traffic outside, the wind and the trees, the ticking of the clock, the buzz of the lights, and what remains between you and the silence, that’s the harsh. I: What does it look like? 1:00 oh it doesn’t have a physical form, it just a ball of physical noise. (Intelligent?) Just nasty, loud and cunning SC SOUND I:What are you looking for? we are not looking for anything, we are searching for nothing. It feeds on sound, it is sound. We’re looking for sounds, the all food of it, but we also looking for the absence of noise. 1:21.5this one little unlucky radiostation, attract attention of the harsh, calling it to the world. 13. 49.5 I have to stop it. And to come here, to earth. I:Where are they now? 55 well it’s here, in your home and I have to stop it, before he kill again I: Varg, don’t stand still… come and give us some help? Varg: It’s very ridiculous.. 1:10 when you met the Beatles often surprise yet? Although 14 nah! That’s ok, we can .. later 50 let’s find the harsh Let me see, if I can…en huh.. SC SOUND Varg: what’s that..? 15 16 Sconic Screwdriver(I同时) Yep, and don’t you have problem with that? Varg: Yes, what does it usually do? 30 good question, very good (一大堆介绍) Varg: ok, that’s great… I: I told you, you should have watch doctor who with me! 27.30 the sun is setting now. 16.26 the air was。。(讨论空气) 16 is the harsh?.. it’s nearby 27.50 SC(What happened?) sonic devices. A harsh has eaten it. A tasty snack for the harsh, it’s now,just nothing it was here Noise I:What’s that noise! Is it intelligent? It might not intelligent, but it’s cunning, it got plan 28 08 放我发狂,但我不能在我发狂的时候做得好, 46 在这个房间里有希望 nothing in the world can stop us now come on!