Second Best.

Second Best.

2015-08-04    04'19''

主播: ikey

7921 36

原音频转去 FM1596579 英音英剧丨神秘博士 - SoundTrack: Mark Northam - Martha’s Theme Murray Gold - Martha Triumphant -- I travelled across the world.From the ruins of New York to the Fusion Mills of China, right across the Radiation Pits of Europe. And everywhere I went I saw people just like you, living as slaves. But if Martha Jones became a legend, then thats wrong, because my name isnt important. Theres someone else. The man who sent me out there. The man who told me to walk the Earth. And his name is the Doctor. He has saved your lives so many times and you never even knew he was there. He never stops, he never stays,he never asks to be thanked. But I&`&ve seen him. I know him.I love him.And I know what he can do. Right then! Off we go. The open road! There is a burst of starfire right now over the coast of Meta Sigmafolio. Oh, the sky is like oil on water. Fancy a look? Or back in time. We could... I don&`&t know, Charles II? Henry VIII? I know, what about Agatha Christie! I’ love to meet Agatha Christie, bet she‘s brilliant! Okay. Ive spent all these years training to be a doctor,and now Ive got people to look after. They saw half the planet slaughtered and theyre devastated. I cant leave them. Course not. Thank you. I spent a lot of time with you thinking I was second best,but you know what? I am good. You going to be all right? - Always, yeah. ---- -Cause the thing is, it’s like my friend Vicky. She lived with this bloke, student housing, there were five of them, all packed in, and this bloke was called Shaun. And she loved him, she did, she completely adored him, spent all day long talking about him... ---- Is this going anywhere?这有什么意义吗? Yes! Cause he never looked at her twice. I mean, he liked her, that was it. And she wasted years pining after him, yea rs of her life, cause while he was around, she never looked at anyone else. And I told her, I always said to her, time and time again, I said, "Get out." So this is me...getting out. Keep that. Cause I‘m not having you disappear! If that rings, when that rings, you’d better come running, got it? -Got it I’ll see you again, mister.