

2017-03-28    08'04''

主播: 西西糖果🍬屋

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 Hello,everybody.My name is Jeff.Today , I am a crane. I wanna to tell you a story about me and the wolf.One day a wolf was eating his dinner hastily and swallowed a bone. It stuck in his throat. He tried to get it out, but he could not.    大家好,我是Jeff.今天我是一只鹤,我想给你们讲一个我和狼的故事。一天一只狼非常匆忙的吃晚饭,吞了一个骨头,骨头堵在了他的喉咙里,他尝试着把它取出来,但是都没成功。         Just then I flew down to him. “ Dear Crane!”(作祈求状) said the wolf to me. “I'm in trouble. A bone has stuck in my throat. Will you put your head into my throat and pull it out? You have a very long neck and I'm sure you can reach it. I will pay you well for it.”   这个时候,我飞到他跟前,狼对我说:“亲爱的鹤!我现在遇到了点麻烦,有个骨头堵在了我的喉咙里,你愿不愿把头伸到我的喉咙里帮我取出来?你有长长的脖子,我相信你肯定可以帮到我的,我会给你很好的报酬。”         “All right. I'll help you. Open your mouth as wide as you can,” I said, and put my head into the wolf’s mouth and pulled out the bone. “Thank you very much, my friend,” said the wolf. “Now I must be paid for the work,” I said. “好的,我会帮助你的,尽可能的打开你的嘴巴”我说,然后我把头伸到了他的脖子里,取出了石头。“非常感谢你,亲爱的朋友”狼说。“现在你必须给我汇报了吧”我说道。         “Well,” said the wolf. “You put your head into my throat, but I did not bite off your head. Isn't that enough for you? Go along and don't talk about rewards.” “好啊”狼说,“你把你的头伸进我的喉咙里,但是我没有咬断你的头,这对你来说难道还不够吗?走吧,不要再谈什么回报了。 That’s the story,maybe I was so lucky that time.But from then on, I always  think about it before helping others.Thanks for your listening.