【悦·Monday陪你读英文绘本】教师节特辑 | Miss Nelson is Missing

【悦·Monday陪你读英文绘本】教师节特辑 | Miss Nelson is Missing

2018-09-10    21'05''

主播: 西西糖果🍬屋

2004 19

老师也会被孩子欺负?老师也会COSPLAY?老师消失了,孩子们会怎么办?这是一个让人啼笑皆非的好故事,孩子们像福尔摩斯一样去找寻尼尔森老师的过程非常有趣,想象力惊人,悬念丛生,一波三折。这还是一个让孩子会变乖的故事,学会自觉地遵守规矩。除了惊叹孩子们的智慧之外,请大人不要小看小孩的气场,在和他们相伴的过程中,怎么才能让孩子信服呢?这本书探讨的正是成人与孩子相处的王道。 Miss Nelson (尼尔森小姐)是207班的老师。207班是全校纪律最差的班,而Miss Nelson (尼尔森小姐)又是个脾气好的老师,因此,孩子们就更不怕她了。他们把教室弄得一团糟:纸飞机到处飞,屋顶到处是痰和鼻涕;另外,课堂纪律更是差得不能再 差:上课孩子们肆无忌惮地讲话、咯咯笑;在椅子上扭来扭去、乱做鬼脸,甚至在story time也是如此;课后也不做作业。 尼尔森是学校里最文雅的老师,她温柔得像一块随时能融化的甜奶油,可是学生们都不买她的账,疯天倒地。终于,一个阴森森的代课老师来了,她是一个真正的女巫斯旺普,说一不二,布置很多作业,孩子们上天入地地寻找起了尼尔森老师,号称万事通的孩子大声宣布,“也许尼尔森老师的汽车被一大群生气的蝴蝶带走了!”事实上是尼尔森小姐通过塑造斯旺普小姐这一完全颠覆性的身份,最终收复失地,取得了阶段性的胜利。可结局是,孩子们又去警探那里报案,找寻不见了的老师斯旺普。 Miss Nelson is Missing 尼尔森老师不见了 By Harry Allard  哈利·阿拉德 The kids in Room 207 were misbehaving again. Spitballs stuck to the ceiling. Paper planes whizzed through the air. They were the worst-behaved class in the whole school. 207班的孩子闹得不可开交。沾着唾沫的纸团粘到了天花板上。 纸飞机在空中飞来飞去。他们是整个学校表现最差的学生。 "Now settle down," said Miss Nelson in a sweet voice. But the class would not settle down. "现在请安静下来“尼尔森老师的话音甜甜的。 但学生们可不会马上安静下来。 They whispered and giggled. They squirmed and made faces. 他们切切私语,咯咯怪笑。 他们扭来扭去,做着鬼脸。 They were even rude during story hour. 甚至在讲故事的时候也胡闹一气。 And they always refused to do their lessons. "Something will have to be done,"said Miss Nelson. 他们从来不肯好好做功课。 “一定要采取措施了,”尼尔森老师说。 The next morning Miss Nelson did not come to school. "Wow!" yelled the kids." Now we can really act up!" They began to make more spitballs and paper planes. "Today let's be just terrible!" they said. 第二天早上,尼尔森老师没有来学校。 “喔吙!”孩子们一起欢呼,“这下我们真的可以玩个够了!” 他们开始揉更多的唾沫纸团,叠更多的纸飞机。 “今天就让我们为所欲为吧!”孩子们说道。 "Not so fast!" hissed an unpleasant voice. “别高兴的太早了!”一个粗粗的噪音阴森森地想起来。 A woman in an ugly black dress stood before them. "I am your new teacher, Miss Viola Swamp." And she rapped the desk with her ruler. "Where is Miss Nelson?" asked the kids. "Never mind that!" snapped Miss Swamp. "Open those arithmetic books!" Miss Nelson's kids did as they were told. 一个女人站在了他们的面前,穿着一件黑色丑陋的连衣裙。 “我是你们的新老师,维奥拉斯旺普老师。”她拿着戒尺啪啪地敲着讲台。 “尼尔森老师在哪里?”孩子们问道。 “不关你们是事!”斯旺普老师打断了话头,“打开数学课本!” 尼尔森老师的学生们听话地照着做了。 They could see that Miss Swamp was a real witch. She meant business. 他们看得出斯旺普老师是一个真正的女巫。 她说一不二。 Right away she put them to work. And she loaded them down with homework. 她让他们立刻投入学习。 她还给他们留很多家庭作业。 "We'll have no story hour today," said Miss Swamp. "Keep your mouths shut," said Miss Swamp. "Sit perfectly still," said Miss Swamp. "And if you misbehave, you'll be sorry," said Miss Swamp. “今天我们要取消讲故事的时间!”斯旺普老师说。 “闭上你们的嘴巴!”斯旺普老师说。 “给我做好!”斯旺普老师说。 “你们要是不遵守纪律的话,可不会好过的!”斯旺普老师说。 The kids in Room 207 had never worked so hard. Days went by and there was no sign of Miss Nelson. The kids missed Miss Nelson! 207班的孩子们从没有像这样努力学习过。 日子一天天过去了,尼尔森老师一点儿消息也没有, 孩子们开始想念尼尔森老师! "Maybe we should try to find her," they said. Some of them went to the police. “也许我们该想些办法找到她。”他们说。 一些孩子去了警察局。 Detective McSmogg was assigned to the case. He listened to their story. He scratched his chin. "Hmmmm,"he said,"Hmmm." "I think Miss Nelson is missing." Detective McSmogg would not be much help. 麦克斯莫格警探负责这件案子。 他听了孩子们的陈述,挠了挠下巴。 “恩……”他沉吟着,“我认为尼尔森老师失踪了。” 麦克斯莫格警探帮不上太大的忙。 Other kids went to Miss Nelson's house. The shades were tightly drawn, and no one answered the door. In fact, the only person they did see was the wicked Miss Viola Swamp, coming up the street. "If she see us, she'll give us more homework." They got away just in time. 另外一些孩子去了尼尔森老师的家。 窗帘拉得紧紧的,也没有人来开门。 不过,他们却瞧见了另外一个人,邪恶的斯旺普老师从街边走过来。 “要是她发现了我们,就会布置更多的家庭作业,”他们赶紧溜走了。 Maybe something terrible happened to Miss Nelson! "Maybe she was gobbled up by a shark!" said one of the kids. But that didn't seem likely. 也行尼尔森老师遇到了什么可怕的事情。 “也许她被鲨鱼一口咬掉了,”有个孩子说道。 不过这似乎不太可能。 "Maybe Miss Nelson went to Mars!" said another kids. But that didn't seem likely either. “也许尼尔森老师飞到火星上去了!”另外一个孩子说道。 不过这似乎也不太可能。 "I know!" exclaimed one know-it-all." Maybe Miss Nelson's car was carried off by a swarm of angry butterflies!" But that was the least likely of all. “我知道!”号称万事通的孩子大声宣布,“也许尼尔森老师的汽车被一大群生气的蝴蝶带走了。 不过,在所有的猜想中这最不可能。 The kids in Room 207 became very discouraged. It seemed that Miss Nelson was never coming back. And they would be stuck with Miss Viola Swamp forever. They heard footsteps in the hall. "Here comes the witch," they whispered. 207教师的孩子们非常沮丧。 也许尼尔森老师再也不回来了。 他们永远摆脱不了斯旺普老师了。 他们听见楼道传来脚步声,”那个女巫来了!“孩子们悄悄地说。 "Hello, children," someone said in a sweet voice. ”大家好,孩子们,“一个甜甜的声音响起。 It was Miss Nelson! "Did you miss me? " she asked. "We certainly did!" cried all the kids. "Where were you?" "That's my little secret," said Miss Nelson. "How about a story hour?" "Oh yes!" cried the kids. Miss Nelson noticed that during story hour no one was rude or silly. "What brought about this lovely change?" she asked. "That's our little secret," said the kids. 是尼尔森老师! ”你们想念我吗?"她问。 “我们当然想啦!”孩子们大声回答。“您去哪了?” “这是我的小秘密。”尼尔森老师说。 “讲过故事给大家听吗?” “太好了!”孩子们大叫。 尼尔森老师注意到在讲故事的时候没有一个人吵闹,没有一个人走神。 “是什么带来了这可喜的变化?"她问道 ”这是我们的小秘密!“孩子们回答。 Back home Miss Nelson took off her coat and hung it in the closet(right next to an ugly black dress). When it was time for bed she sang a little song. "I'll never tell," she said to herself with a smile. 尼尔森老师回到家里,脱下外套,把衣服挂进衣柜(刚好挂在一条丑陋的黑色连衣裙旁) 睡觉的时候,她哼起了小曲。 ”我绝不能说出真相,“她微笑着自言自语。 P.S.Detective McSmogg is working on a new case. He is now looking for Miss Viola Swamp. 另外麦克斯莫格警探开始忙一件新案子。 他在找寻维奥拉斯旺普老师。