

2020-11-23    05'13''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / Lunar mission ready for launch '嫦娥五号'本月下旬发射 Chang'e 5, the next mission in China's lunar exploration program, will be launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province before the end of this month, according to the China National Space Administration. Chang'e 5 - the sixth mission in the Chang'e program, as there was an unnumbered experimental mission - will be one of the most difficult and challenging space endeavors China has embarked on and will become the world's first space operation in more than four decades to bring lunar samples back to Earth. 来自国家航天局消息,我国探月工程的下一个任务"嫦娥五号"计划于11月下旬在海南文昌航天发射场择机实施发射。国家航天局随后发布声明称,"嫦娥五号"任务是我国探月工程的第六次任务(有一次实验性任务未编号),将是中国航天领域迄今难度和挑战最大的任务之一,也将是40多年来世界首次月面采样返回任务。 Its findings will facilitate scientists' research on the moon's origin and evolution, the administration said in a statement on Tuesday morning, when the Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket, which will be used to lift the robotic probe, was moved to its launch pad at the Wenchang center. 这些发现将助力深化月球成因和演化历史等科学研究。11月17日上午,将执行"嫦娥五号"发射任务的"长征五号"重型运载火箭在文昌航天发射场垂直转运至发射区。 重点词汇 1、unnumbered 英 /ˌʌnˈnʌmbəd/ 美 /ˌʌnˈnʌmbərd/ adj. 无数的,数不清的;未编号的 2、embark 英 /ɪmˈbɑːk/ 美 /ɪmˈbɑːrk/ v. 上船(或飞机);(使)上船(或登记);从事 2/ Intl student enrollment falls 美国国际学生人数锐减 The number of Chinese international students in the US saw its lowest growth rate in a decade - 0.8% - to reach 372,532 in the 2019-20 academic year, according to a report released on Monday. China remains the top source of international students in the US, and students from China accounted for 34.6% of the slightly more than 1 million international students in the US during the 2019-20 academic year, said the 2020 Open Doors Report, compiled by the Institute for International Education. 11月16日发布的《2020美国门户开放报告》显示,2019-2020学年,中国赴美留学生总数为372532人,增长率仅为0.8%,创十年新低。这份由美国国际教育协会编纂的报告显示,中国依然是美国最大的国际学生生源国,2019-2020学年,在美国超过100万国际学生中,34.6%来自中国。 The report also shows that international enrollment fell 16% this fall at more than 700 schools surveyed. The flow of new international students into US institutions plummeted 43% from the previous year. Nearly 40,000 international students have deferred enrollment. 报告还显示,今年秋季,700多所受访美国学校里的国际学生总数减少了16%,国际新生录取人数较去年骤降43%,近4万名国际学生推迟入学。 重点词汇 1、compile (by) 英 /kəmˈpaɪl/ 美 /kəmˈpaɪl/ vt. 编译;编制;编辑;[图情] 汇编 2、plummet 英 /ˈplʌmɪt/ 美 /ˈplʌmɪt/ v. 陡直落下,快速落下;(价值、数量等)骤然下跌 n. 骤降;铅垂,铅垂线 3、defer 英 /dɪˈfɜːr/ 美 /dɪˈfɜːr/ vi. 推迟;延期;服从 vt. 使推迟;使延期 3/ Ban on new gas cars 英国2030年禁售燃油车 New cars and vans powered wholly by gas and diesel will not be sold in the UK from 2030, five years earlier than previously planned, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said. But some hybrids would still be allowed, Johnson confirmed. It is part of what the prime minister calls a "green industrial revolution" to tackle climate change and create jobs in industries such as nuclear power. 英国首相鲍里斯•约翰逊日前表示,自2030年起,英国将禁止销售新生产的汽油和柴油汽车,比之前的计划再提早5年。但约翰逊证实,一些混合动力汽车仍将被允许销售。这是约翰逊提出的"绿色工业革命"的一部分,旨在应对气候变化,并在核能等行业创造就业机会。 Britain had originally planned to ban the sale of new gas and diesel-powered cars from 2040, as part of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but in February, Johnson brought this forward to 2035. An end to the sale of new gas and diesel cars would mark a huge shift in Britain's automotive market. Industry figures show that gas and diesel-powered cars accounted for 73.6% of new car sales so far this year, while just 5.5% of sales were for pure electric vehicles, which are typically more expensive. Hybrid vehicles of various types made up the remaining sales. 作为减少温室气体排放的一项努力,英国原本计划自2040年起禁止销售新生产的汽油和柴油汽车。但在今年2月,约翰逊将这一计划提前到了2035年。禁售新生产的汽油和柴油汽车将标志着英国汽车市场出现巨大转变。行业数据显示,今年迄今为止,汽油和柴油汽车占新车销量的73.6%,而通常价格更高的纯电动汽车的销量仅占5.5%。各类混合动力汽车占据剩余销量。 重点词汇 1、hybrid 英 /ˈhaɪbrɪd/ 美 /ˈhaɪbrɪd/ n. 混合动力汽车;杂交种,混血儿;混合物 adj. 混合的;杂交的 2、diesel 英 /ˈdiːzl/ 美 /ˈdiːzl/ n. 柴油机;柴油;(俚)健康的身体 adj. 内燃机传动的;供内燃机用的 diesel-powered 柴油驱动的 3、 automotive 英 /ˌɔːtəˈməʊtɪv/ 美 /ˌɔːtəˈmoʊtɪv/ adj. 汽车的;自动的 4/ Student climbs tree for internet 俄大学生爬树顶上网课 Russian student Alexei Dudoladov has been forced to go to great lengths - or rather great heights - to attend classes online, having to climb a birch tree in his remote Siberian village every time he needs an internet connection. The 21-year-old, a popular blogger and a student at the Omsk Institute of Water Transport, located 2,225 kilometers east of Moscow, got the authorities' attention by pleading for better internet coverage from the top of a snow-covered birch tree. 为了上网课,俄罗斯学生阿列克谢•杜多拉多夫不得不走很远——更确切地说爬很高。这个住在西伯利亚偏远村庄的年轻人每次上课都不得不爬到一棵桦树上找信号。21岁的杜多拉多夫是一位受欢迎的博主,同时也是位于莫斯科以东2225公里的鄂木斯克水上运输学院的学生。近日他在白雪覆盖的白桦树顶上请求改善网络覆盖,引起了当局注意。 In his plea - viewed 1.9 million times on TikTok and more than 56,000 times on Instagram since last week - Dudoladov tells regional governor Alexander Burkov that his home internet is not strong enough to connect to his online classes and that he has been forced to come up with a creative solution. The Omsk region's education ministry said it was preparing an individualized study plan for Dudoladov so he could study in Stankevichi, a village 170 kilometers northwest of the regional capital. 自上周以来,他的请愿在TikTok上被浏览190万次,在Instagram上被浏览5.6万多次,杜多拉多夫告诉当地州长亚历山大•伯科夫,他家里网络信号不好,无法上网课,他被逼无奈想出了这个创造性的解决方案。鄂木斯克州教育部门表示,正在为杜多拉多夫制定个性化的学习方案,让他可以在地区首府西北170公里处的斯坦克维奇村学习。 重点词汇 1、birch 英 /bɜːtʃ/ 美 /bɜːrtʃ/ n. 桦木;桦树;桦条 vt. 用桦条鞭打 birch tree 桦树;白桦树