

2021-01-06    05'03''

主播: Pei你慢成长

71 1

1 / Telescope opens for global research '中国天眼'将对全球开放 China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the world's largest single-dish radio telescope, will be available for global service from April 1. The National Astronomical Observatories of China of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the operator of the telescope, confirmed Monday scientists across the world can make online appointments to use the device for observation from April 1. An allotted timetable will be available by Aug 1.  全世界最大的单口径射电望远镜、我国的500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)将于4月1日正式对全球科学界开放。负责FAST运行的中科院国家天文台1月4日证实,自4月1日起,各国科学家可以通过在线方式向国家天文台提交观测申请,8月1日起分配观测时间。  Jiang Peng, chief engineer of FAST with NAOC, said in the first year of the telescope's opening to the global scientific community about 10 percent of the observation time will be allocated to foreign scientists. Located in a deep and round karst depression in Southwest China's Guizhou province, FAST is believed to be the world's most sensitive radio telescope. It started formal operations on Jan 11, 2020.  FAST总工程师姜鹏介绍,面向全球科学界开放的第一年,预计分配给国外科学家的观测时间约占10%。FAST位于贵州省一个很深的圆形喀斯特洼坑中,是全球最灵敏的射电望远镜,于2020年1月11日正式开放运行。 重点词汇 1. Spherical Radio Telescope 球面射电望远镜 2. . allot 英 /əˈlɒtid/ 美 /əˈlɑːtid/ adj. 专款的;拨出的 v. 分配;指派;拨给(allot的过去分词) 3. karst depression 喀斯特盆地;岩溶盆地 2/ Popular delivery messages shared 2020年外卖备注关键词 The 12 most popular words and phrases written on takeout notes in 2020 by users of Ele.me, an online food-ordering platform, were published by Xinhua News Agency on Dec 31. Based on data provided by Ele.me, the 12 most popular messages were "blessing", "contactless delivery", "the white angel", "hard work", "happy reopening of school", "cheer", "no need for tableware", "want to see you", "one more spoon of rice", "store up", "light" and "next Spring". In addition to new words like "contactless delivery" in the takeout notes, the frequency of words like "cheer up" and "want to see you" was significantly higher in 2020 than in 2019.  据新华社12月31日报道,根据在线订餐平台饿了么提供的数据,2020年该平台用户在备注中最常使用的12组关键词是:祈福、无接触配送、白衣天使、辛苦、开学快乐、加油、无需餐具、想见你、加勺饭、囤、清淡和春天。除了像"无接触配送"这样的新词,"加油"、"想见你"等备注关键词在2020年被提及的数量均显著超过了2019年。  Moreover, "blessing" was the most popular word in takeout notes during the first month of 2020, with more than 80 percent of notes expressing users' solidarity with Wuhan. More than 60,000 takeout orders from Ele.me were sent to frontline workers in Wuhan in one week in January 2020. 2020年1月,"祈福"成为了外卖备注里最火的词汇,超八成使用此备注的用户是在表达与武汉同舟共济的决心。2020年1月中的一周,通过饿了么送往武汉抗疫一线的外卖订单超过6万单。 重点词汇 1. solidarity 英 /ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti/ 美 /ˌsɑlɪ'derəti/ n. 团结;齐心协力 2. store up 贮藏;囤积 3/ Medical workers can raise alarms 上海:医护报告享免责权 Medical workers are entitled to report suspected cases of new types of contagions to the local health authority and those who raise false alarms due to errors of judgment will be exempted from legal liability, according to new measures rolled out in Shanghai. Doctors and nurses who discover novel cases of diseases that have the potential to infect others also have the right to suggest the institution where they work takes high-level protective steps under epidemic prevention and control protocols, according to the Measures of Shanghai Municipality on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Medical and Healthcare Workers.  《上海市医疗卫生人员权益保障办法》2020年12月30日正式发布,并将于2021年3月1日起实施。根据《办法》规定,医疗卫生人员发现存在传染危害的新型病例,有权直接向卫生健康主管部门报告,并建议所在医疗卫生机构采取高级别的防护措施。医疗卫生人员因判断错误而报告的,依法免除其法律责任。    The measures, the first of their kind unveiled by a provincial-level government, were published on Wednesday and will take effect on March 1.  这是全国首部专门规范医疗卫生人员权益保障的省级政府规章。 Luo Peixin, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Justice Bureau, said frontline healthcare workers are closest to patients and likely have the best firsthand knowledge about such novel cases. They may help keep the city's health authorities up-to-date on the latest situation of certain contagions, he explained. The measures, comprising 42 articles, also ban all threats or harm against medical workers and their families. 上海市司法局副局长罗培新介绍,考虑到医疗卫生人员最接近病患,也是获得相关传染病信息的第一手来源的最早接触者,他们可以让卫生部门更快获知传染病的最新信息。此次发布的《办法》共有42条,其中还明确禁止对医务工作者及其家属进行任何威胁或伤害。 重点词汇 1. contagion 英 /kənˈteɪdʒən/ 美 /kənˈteɪdʒən/ n. 蔓延;接触传染 2. exempt 英 /ɪɡˈzempt/ 美 /ɪɡˈzempt/ vt. 免除;豁免 adj. 被免除的;被豁免的 n. 免税者;被免除义务的 3. deputy 英 /ˈdepjuti/ 美 /ˈdepjuti/ n. 代理人;代表 adj. 副的;代理的 4. municipal 英 /mjuː'nɪsɪp(ə)l/ 美 /mju'nɪsɪp(ə)l/ adj. 市政的,市的;地方政府的 4/ UK PM announces new lockdown 英格兰宣布第三次封锁 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Monday that England will enter a national lockdown from midnight, the third of its kind since the coronavirus pandemic began in the country.  英国首相鲍里斯•约翰逊1月4日宣布,英格兰将从午夜开始实施全境封锁措施,这是新冠疫情开始以来英格兰第三次实施全境封锁。    In a televised address, he urged people across the country to "stay at home" except for permitted reasons. Under the lockdown, people are only allowed to go to work if it's impossible to work from home, such as construction workers. Britons are allowed to go out to shop for necessities including food and medicines, and to exercise, ideally once a day and locally. All schools and colleges will also close from Tuesday, and switch to remote learning until the middle of February.  他在电视讲话中敦促全国各地的人们“留在家中”,除非有得到许可的原因才能外出。按照要求,除建筑工人等必须出门工作的人以外,其他人都应居家办公。民众可以外出购买食品和药品等生活必需品,也可以进行锻炼,最好是每天一次,且在当地进行。与此同时,所有中小学和大学将从1月5日开始关闭,并在2月中旬前开展远程教学。 The latest development came as another 58,784 people in Britain have tested positive for COVID-19, marking the highest daily increase in coronavirus cases since the pandemic began in the country, according to official figures. The country now has a total of 2,713,563 cases and 75,431 deaths. 根据官方数据,过去24小时英国新增****确诊病例58784例,创下疫情暴发以来的单日新增确诊病例最高纪录。英国****累计确诊病例271万3563例,累计死亡75431例。 重点词汇 1. pandemic 英/pænˈdemɪk/ 美 /pænˈdemɪk/ adj. (疾病)在全国(或全世界)流行的 n. 流行病,瘟疫 重点单词怎么读? No.1 solidarity Moreover, "blessing" was the most popular word in takeout notes during the first month of 2020, with more than 80 percent of notes expressing users' solidarity with Wuhan. No.2 contagion Medical workers are entitled to report suspected cases of new types of contagions to the local health authority and those who raise false alarms due to errors of judgment will be exempted from legal liability. No.3 municipal Luo Peixin, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Justice Bureau, said frontline healthcare workers are closest to patients and likely have the best firsthand knowledge about such novel cases.