

2021-01-19    05'32''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / GDP exceeds 100T yuan 2020中国GDP超100万亿元 China's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 2.3% year-on-year in 2020, exceeding the 100 trillion yuan threshold to 101.5986 trillion yuan, official data showed Monday. The pace was faster than the 0.7% increase in the first three quarters, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed. In the fourth quarter of 2020, the country's GDP expanded 6.5% year-on- year, faster than the 4.9% growth in the third quarter, the data showed. 国家统计局1月18日发布的数据显示,2020年全年国内生产总值(GDP)突破100万亿元,为1015986亿元,比上年增长2.3%,高于2020年前三季度的GDP增速(0.7%)。2020年第四季度GDP同比增6.5%,高于第三季度4.9%的增速。 图片 The country's economic operation has recovered steadily with employment and people's well-being effectively guaranteed, the NBS said, adding that the major tasks of economic and social development have been completed better than expected. 国家统计局表示,我国经济运行稳定恢复,就业民生保障有力,经济社会发展主要目标任务完成情况好于预期。 重点词汇 1. gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值 2. threshold 英 /ˈθreʃhəʊld/ 美 /ˈθreʃhoʊld/ n. 入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值 2/ Trapped miners send note 栖霞金矿井下传回纸条 Hopes rose on Sunday over the fate of 22 miners after a note retrieved from underneath a mine said that 12 workers are still alive while the other 10 are in unknown condition, after a blast a week ago, according to the rescue headquarters on Sunday night. 1月17日晚,山东栖霞笏山金矿救援指挥部传来好消息,事故现场井下的被困矿工传回纸条,称12人仍然活着,另有10人情况不明。一周前,该矿山发生爆炸,共22名矿工被困。 图片 Nutritional goods and other supplies for possible survivors were lowered via a wire, and rescuers felt a tug on the wire around 10:50 pm. When the rescuers pulled the wire back 35 minutes later, they found that the supplies had been taken and a note was attached, according to the headquarters. 当晚22时50分,救援人员通过钻孔向井下投放营养补给时感到下方有人拽了钢丝绳。35分钟后,救援人员拽出了钢丝绳,发现补给已经全部被取走,而且传回来一张纸条。 The explosion occurred at 2 pm on Jan 10 at the Hushan gold mine, which was under construction. Twenty-two miners were working more than 600 meters underground at the time of the blast. A total of 439 people from 14 rescue teams are working round-the-clock at the site, and the rescue headquarters said that more people were joining the teams to help reach the trapped miners. 1月10日14时,在建中的山东栖霞笏山金矿发生爆炸,22人被困在井下600余米处。14支救援队伍的439名救援人员正在现场展开全天搜救。救援指挥部表示,将投入更多人力来救助被困矿工。 重点词汇 1. retrieve 英 /rɪˈtriːv/ 美 /rɪˈtriːv/ vt. 检索;恢复;重新得到 vi. 找回猎物 n. 检索;恢复,取回 2. tug 英 /tʌɡ/ 美 /tʌɡ/ v. (用力地)拉,拖;(迅速地)穿衣服;较量;用拖船拖;竞争;努力做 n. 拖船;拖曳;苦干;一股强烈的感情 3/ Migrants urged to stay 鼓励务工人员就地过年 Seven central government departments have encouraged migrant workers to stay in the cities where they are working during Spring Festival and will launch an operation to guarantee workers' welfare and enterprises' production. A circular jointly issued by the seven departments, including the ministries of human resources and social security, industry and information technology, and civil affairs, introduced the move on Saturday. It said they will launch a nationwide operation from Jan 21 to the end of March to encourage and guide migrant employees to stay in the cities where they are working during Spring Festival to strengthen COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control efforts nationwide. The operation will also provide labor guarantees for key enterprises and employers facing a shortage of workers during Spring Festival. 为巩固来之不易的****疫情防控成果,1月16日,人社部、工信部、***等七部门印发通知,于1月21日至3月底在全国范围内开展专项行动,鼓励引导农民工等务工人员留在就业地安心过年,为重点企业和其他春节期间有用工需求的用人单位提供用工保障,保障务工人员福利和企业生产。 图片 Governments at all levels will organize various activities during the festival. Companies are being encouraged to issue red envelopes, organize cultural and recreational activities, ensure vacations and other benefits are preserved and raise salaries to motivate employees to stay. The circular also said basic services such as food, healthcare, public security and firefighting should be secured. 行动期间,各地将组织开展形式多样的服务活动。鼓励企业发放“留岗红包”、“过年礼包”、安排文化娱乐活动,落实好工资、休假等待遇保障。餐饮商超、医疗卫生、治安消防等服务供应不断线。 It said the departments will guide enterprises to make reasonable arrangements for production and adopt staggered vacation plans. They will also implement policies such as refunding unemployment insurance and subsidizing vocational training, and guide enterprises to minimize the laying off of workers. 各部门要引导企业合理安排生产、错峰放假调休,落实好失业保险稳岗返还、职业培训补贴等政策,引导企业不裁员少裁员。 重点词汇 1. migrant 英 /ˈmaɪɡrənt/ 美 /ˈmaɪɡrənt/ n. (为工作)移居者;候鸟;流动季节工 adj. 有迁徙习性的 2. recreational 英 /ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl/ 美 /ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl/ adj. 娱乐的,消遣的;休养的 3. stagger 英 /ˈstæɡə(r)/ 美 /ˈstæɡər/ vt. 蹒跚;使交错;使犹豫 vi. 蹒跚;犹豫 n. 蹒跚;交错安排 adj. 交错的;错开的 4. subsidize 英 /ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz/ 美 /ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz/ vt. 资助;给予奖助金;向…行贿 4/ Shots begin in Brazil 巴西批准使用新冠疫苗 Brazilian health regulator Anvisa on Sunday approved emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines from China’s Sinovac Biotech Ltd and Britain’s AstraZeneca, clearing the way for immunizations as the pandemic enters a deadly second wave. 1月17日,巴西国家卫生监督局董事会一致投票通过了两种疫苗的紧急使用许可,同意中国科兴中维生物技术有限公司和英国阿斯利康制药公司研发的新冠疫苗在巴西紧急使用。随着第二波致命的疫情来袭,此举为巴西的疫苗接种扫清了道路。 图片 Minutes after Anvisa’s board voted unanimously to approve both vaccines, Monica Calazans, a 54-year-old nurse in Sao Paulo, became the first person to be inoculated in the country, receiving the Chinese vaccine known as CoronaVac. Sao Paulo Governor Joao Doria, who oversees the Butantan biomedical center that is partnered with Sinovac in Brazil, said Anvisa’s decision was a triumph for science. 决议通过数分钟后,圣保罗一位54岁的护士莫妮卡•卡拉桑斯成为巴西首位接种者,她接种了中国克尔来福新冠疫苗。圣保罗州长若昂•多利亚负责监督与中国科兴疫苗合作的圣保罗州布坦坦研究所,他说巴西国家卫生监督局的决定是科学的胜利。 "A victory for science. A victory for life. A victory for Brazil,” Doria tweeted. Health Minister Eduardo Pazuello told a news conference that the government would start distributing the vaccines to states on Monday, with the nationwide immunization plan beginning on Wednesday. Brazil could eventually vaccinate 1 million people a day, he said. 多利亚在推特上写道:“这是科学的胜利,生命的胜利,巴西的胜利。”巴西卫生部长爱德华多•帕祖洛在新闻发布会上表示,巴西联邦政府将于1月18日开始向各州分发疫苗,全国范围的免疫计划将从1月20日开始。巴西最终可以每天为100万人接种疫苗。 重点词汇 1. unanimously 英 /juˈnænɪməsli/ 美 /juˈnænɪməsli/ adv. 全体一致地 2. biomedical 英 /ˌbaɪəʊˈmedɪkl/ 美 /ˌbaɪoʊˈmedɪkl/ adj. 生物医学的