第33期:Be Proud of Who You Are

第33期:Be Proud of Who You Are

2014-12-31    01'57''

主播: FM715925

5967 1294

Be Proud of Who You Are 为自己骄傲 That`s right, folks.<br>是的,各位粉丝。<br>Be proud of who you are.<br>为自己感到骄傲吧。<br>Recently, I&`&ve been getting a lot of comments and tweets from fans who are struggling with self-harm or being a victim of bullying.<br>最近我收到了粉丝们的许多条评论和推文,他们都要么在纠结于要不要自残,要么因成为被欺凌的对象而苦苦挣扎,<br>Which brings tears to my eyes. I want you to be strong.<br>这让我不禁落泪。我希望你们强大起来。<br>There&`&s only one you in this world, embrace it. <br>在这个世界上你们每个人都是独一无二的,欣然接受自己吧。<br>And trust me, when you grow up and become successful those bullies will WISH they were friends with you and were nice to you. Karma ) will do payback to them, just watch.<br>相信我,当你长大成人、功成名就之后,那些曾经欺负你的人就会希望自己曾和你做过朋友,希望自己当初友善待你。因果报应会让他们付出代价的,等着瞧吧。<br>When they bully again, just laugh at their faces or simply say I don&`&t care. <br>等他们再欺负你的时候,当面嘲笑他们或者只说一句“我不在意”就可以了。<br>If they see it bothers you, they&`&ll continue. <br>如果他们发现你很烦这个,他们就会继续欺负你。<br>If they see that you don&`&t care and that it doesn&`&t bother you, they&`&ll stop!<br>如果他们发现你并不在意,也没有被惹恼,他们就会收手!<br>Simple! Stand up for yourself.<br>道理很简单!那就是要为自己抗争。<br>Make those bullies look stupid.<br>让那些恃强凌弱的人显得愚蠢无知吧。<br>If it gets bad, you can simply tell the authority at school.<br>如果情况变得糟糕,你只需告诉学校的负责老师就可以了。<br>Another problem is a lot of kids these days who do self-harm.<br>还有一个问题是,如今有很多孩子会做出伤害自己的行为,这让我非常震惊。<br>It&`&s horrible to me. Don&`&t ruin your skin. I think your skin is beautiful.<br>在我看来,你们的肌肤非常美丽,不要破坏它。<br>Putting scars on your wrists or anywhere else is just heartbreaking for me. <br>你们在手腕或者身体的其他部位留下了疤痕,我会非常心痛的。<br>Cutting yourself doesn&`&t fix anything. <br>伤害自己无济于事。<br>Please, just stop. For me, for your family, for your friends, for you. <br>为了我,也为了你们的亲朋好友,更为了你们自己,请停止这种行为。<br>I understand it’s hard. I&`&ve never been through it but I have talked to fans like you. <br>我知道这很难做到,虽然我没有经历过,但我与像你们这样有过自残行为的粉丝聊过天。<br>Just be clean for today, and see if you can go up to a week maybe? <br>首先尝试在今天之内不要伤害自己,再看看自己可不可以像这样坚持大概一个星期?<br>You can slowly progress to stop. I love you!<br>你们会慢慢进步,直到最终不再做出伤害自己的事情。爱你们!