Elementary - My computer is not working

Elementary - My computer is not working

2015-02-02    13'51''

主播: PeterHuang

555 143

A: ¡No puede ser! It can’t be! B: ¿Qu´e pasa? What happened? A: Mi computadora no est´a funcionando. My computer is not working. B: ¿Qu´e le pas´o? What happened to it? A: El monitor no enciende. The monitor does not come on. B: Rein´ıciala. Restart it. A: Ya lo intent´e y nada. I already tried and... nothing. Key Vocabulary funcionar Verb to work pasar Verb to happen monitor Noun monitor encender Verb to switch on reiniciar Verb to restart intentar Verb to try computadora Noun computer