Elementary - The pill

Elementary - The pill

2015-05-28    11'40''

主播: PeterHuang

553 129

A: ¡Noooo! Noooo! B: ¿Qu´e pasa? What&`&s wrong? A: Se me olvid ´o tomar la p´ıldora. I forgot to take the pill. B: Una no pasa nada. One is not a problem. A: ¿Seguro?. As´ı se embaraz´o Mariana? Are you sure? That is how Mariana got pregnant. B: Vamos al doctor ahora. Let&`&s go to the doctor right away. Key Vocabulary la p´ıldora Noun (f ) pill pasar Verb to happen embarazar Verb to get pregnant ir Verb to go olvidarse Verb to forget Supplementary Vocabulary el anticonceptivo Noun (m) contraceptive el ginec´ologo Noun (m) gynecologist el embarazo Noun (m) pregnancy el descuido Noun (m) negligence la fecundaci ´on Noun (f ) fertilization