Elementary - Getting a subscription

Elementary - Getting a subscription

2015-06-03    12'43''

主播: PeterHuang

1933 141

A: ¿D´onde compraste ese peri ´odico? Where did you buy that newspaper? B: Me llegan a la casa. Tengo una subscripci ´on. They arrive at the house. I have a subscription. A: Me gusta mucho ese peri ´odico. ¿Es bimensual? I really like that newspaper. Is it bimonthly? B: No es semanal. ¡Subscr´ıbete, hay promoci´on este mes! No, it&`&s weekly. You should subscribe to it, there&`&s a promo- tion this month! A: Buena sugerencia. Good suggestion. Key Vocabulary comprar Verb to buy la subscripci ´on Noun (f ) subscription bimensual Adjective bi-monthly semanal Adjective weekly suscribir Verb to subscribe