第十三期:《Moo,Baa,La La La!》哞,咩,啦啦啦!

第十三期:《Moo,Baa,La La La!》哞,咩,啦啦啦!

2017-02-23    04'21''

主播: 纽约客少儿英语电台

42 3

今天的故事很简单,但很有趣。Tom老师也在故事中模仿了好多动物,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~下面我们就来欣赏一下吧! 故事内容 A cow says MOO 牛“哞哞”得叫 A sheep says BAA 羊“咩咩”得叫 Three singsing pigs say LALALA! 三只小猪“啦啦啦”的唱歌 "No,no!"you say,"that isn&`&t right." “不对不对!”你说“这些都不对。” The pig say OINK all day and night 猪整日整夜的打呼噜 Rhinoceroses SNORT and SNUFF 犀牛一会儿吸气一会儿喷气 and little dogs go ROFF ROFF ROFF! 小狗汪汪汪 some other dogs go BOW WOW WOW! 其他的狗呜呜呜 And cats and kittens say MEOW! 小猫喵喵喵 QUACK!says the duck. 鸭子嘎嘎嘎 A horse says NEIGH 马儿啾啾啾 It&`&s quiet now. What do you say? 突然一切都安静下来了,你是怎么叫的?