How to start and end a phone conversation

How to start and end a phone conversation

2016-07-02    03'07''

主播: 布莱恩的英语口语部落

364 15

Part 1 A. Hold on, to wait on the phone B. Get through, to reach someone by phone C. Put through, to connect one person to another Part 2. Conversation 1 a. Good morning. Can I speak to Harriet please? b. Yes, I’ll put you through to design. Conversation 2 a. Hello.I’d like to speak to Harriet, please. b. This is accounts.Harriet works in Design. Hold on a second. Conversation 3 a. It’s Elaine from Club, Brussels. b. Hello,Elaine. Good to hear from you. Conversation 4 a. Hello, is that Harriet? b. Yes, it is. Who’s calling please? Part 3 1. I’ll send you an email with the details then. 2. Thanks for everything. 3. Don’t forget to call me if you’ve got any questions about my email. 4. Right. We’ll speak later then. 5. OK.I’ll call you some time after 5:00. In the next episode, we will learn “How to leave a voicemail message”