英文绘本阅读 Ten Little FINGERS and Ten Little TOES

英文绘本阅读 Ten Little FINGERS and Ten Little TOES

2017-09-13    01'55''

主播: 泽妈读绘本

186 0

There was one little baby who was born far away. And another who was born on the very next day. And both of these babies, as everyone knows, had ten little fingers and ten little toes. There was one little baby who was born in a town. And another who was wrapped in an eiderdown. And both of these babies, as everyone knows, had ten little fingers and ten little toes. There was one little baby who was born in the hills. And another who was suffered from sneezes and chills. And both of these babies, as everyone knows, had ten little fingers and ten little toes. There was one little baby who was born on the ice. And another in a tent, who was just as nice. And both of these babies, as everyone knows, had ten little fingers and ten little toes. But the next baby born was truly divine, a sweet little child who was mine, all mine. And this little baby, as everyone knows, has ten little fingers, ten little toes, and three little kisses on the tip of its nose.