

2015-04-22    88'00''

主播: 留盏

26 1

[01:29.04]约翰·H·华生医生 \h约翰·H·华生医生的博客 [01:30.24]How's your blog going? 你的博客写得怎么样了 [01:32.32]Yeah, good. Very good. 很好 真的 [01:36.60]You haven't written a word, have you? 你一个字都没写吧 [01:38.28]You just wrote "Still has trust issues". 你刚写了"依然存在信任危机" [01:41.16]And you read my writing upside down. 而你在倒着看我写的字 [01:45.04]You see what I mean? 明白我的意思吗 [01:47.84]John, you're a soldier, 约翰 你是个军人 [01:52.76]and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life, 你需要一段时间才能适应正常生活 [01:56.32]and writing a blog about everything that happens to you 把你的一切遭遇写进博客 [01:59.17]will honestly help you. 对你会有很大帮助 [02:02.84]Nothing happens to me. 我没什么遭遇 [02:08.80]新福尔摩斯 [02:39.12]10月12日 [02:42.16]What do you mean, there's no ruddy car? 没车是什么意思 [02:44.16]He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. 抱歉 他开车去了滑铁卢 [02:45.64]- Get a cab! - I never get cabs! -叫的士 -我从来都叫不到的士 [02:50.28]- I love you. - When? -我爱你 -我等不及了 [02:52.20]Get a cab! 快去叫的士 [03:13.88]My husband... 我的丈夫 [03:15.96]was a happy man who lived life to the full. 天性乐观 生活美满 [03:20.24]He loved his family and his work, 他热爱家庭和工作 [03:24.52]and that he should have taken his own life in this way 却选择了这种方式结束生命 [03:29.04]is a mystery 对所有熟识他的人而言 [03:31.08]and a shock to all who knew him. 都极为震惊和迷惑不已 [03:46.44]Yes, yes! Taxi! 的士 [03:47.27]11月26日 [03:53.12]- I'll be back in two minutes, mate. - What? -等我两分钟 伙计 -怎么 [03:55.16]- I'm just going home to get my umbrella. - You can share mine. -我得回去拿伞 -我们可以合撑一把 [03:58.16]Two minutes, all right? 就两分钟 行吧 [04:23.42]18岁青年 在 体育中心内自杀 [04:30.71]1月27日 [04:34.68]She still dancing? 她还在跳舞吗 [04:36.44]Yeah, if you can call it that. 对 要是这也算跳舞 [04:38.24]- Did you get the car keys off her? - Got them out of her bag. -拿了她的车钥匙吗 -从她包里拿了 [04:42.36]Where is she? 她在哪儿 [04:58.96]The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport, 交通部副部长 贝丝·达文波的尸体 [05:02.68]was found late last night on a building site in Greater London. 于昨天后半夜 在伦敦一座建筑工地被发现 [05:05.92]Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide. 初步调查显示为自杀 [05:09.56]We can confirm that this apparent suicide closely resembles those 我们可以确认 这起明显的自杀案件 [05:13.48]of SirJeffrey Patterson and James Phillimore. 近似于杰弗里·帕特森爵士和詹姆斯·菲利莫的案子 [05:16.28]In the light of this, 鉴于此 [05:17.36]these incidents are now being treated as linked. 我们认为这些案件之间存在关联 [05:19.92]The investigation is ongoing, 我们已经开展调查 [05:21.48]but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now. 而雷斯垂德探长将负责回答接下来的问题 [05:24.96]Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked? 探长先生 自杀案件怎么会有关联 [05:27.28]Well, they all took the same poison. 死者都服用了相同的毒药 [05:30.44]They were all found in places they had no reason to be. 发现尸体的地方 死者都没理由出现在那里 [05:33.56]None of them had shown any prior indication. 死者先前都没有自杀征兆 [05:35.75]But you can't have serial suicides. 但是你没法连犯自杀案 [05:37.66]Well, apparently you can. 显然是可以的 [05:39.24]These three people, there's nothing that links them? 这三个人之间没有关联吗 [05:41.48]There's no link we've found yet, but 目前为止没有发现 但是 [05:44.00]we're looking for it - there has to be one. 我们还在调查 他们之间肯定有关联 [05:49.16]错了! [05:49.40]错了! [05:49.40]错了! [05:49.52]错了! [05:49.60]错了! [05:49.68]错了! [05:49.68]错了! [05:49.76]错了! [05:50.12]错了! [05:51.80]错了! [05:52.96]If you've all got texts, please ignore them. 要是你们收到短信 无视就好 [05:54.92]It just says "Wrong". 上面就写着"错了" [05:56.56]Well, just ignore that. 对 无视就好 [05:58.20]If there are no more questions for Detective Inspector Lestrade, 要是没有其它问题 [05:59.96]I'm going to bring this session to an end. 这次记者招待会就到此为止 [06:01.60]If they're suicides, what are you investigating? 如果这是自杀案件 你们又在调查什么 [06:05.16]As I say, these suicides are clearly linked. 如我所说 这些自杀案件显然有所关联 [06:09.56]It's an unusual situation. 这次局面非比寻常 [06:11.42]We've got our best people investigating. 我们的精英探员已着手调查 [06:15.38]错了! [06:15.62]错了! [06:15.62]错了! [06:15.74]错了! [06:15.82]错了! [06:15.90]错了! [06:15.90]错了! [06:15.98]错了! [06:16.34]错了! [06:17.04]Says "Wrong" Again. 又是"错了" [06:18.60]One more question. 再回答一个问题 [06:20.48]Is there any chance that these are murders? 有谋杀的可能吗 [06:23.32]And if they are, is this the work of a serial killer? 若是的话 会不会是连环杀手 [06:26.96]I know that you like writing about these, 我知道这样写很吸引人 [06:29.07]but these do appear to be suicides. 但这显然是自杀 [06:30.96]We know the difference. The poison was clearly self-administered. 我们清楚之间的差异 死者显然是自己吞下毒药 [06:34.96]Yes, but if they are murders, how do people keep themselves safe? 对 要他们真是被谋杀 大家要怎么保障安全 [06:38.08]Well, don't commit suicide. 不要自杀就行
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