优才英语秀-Guardians of the Galaxy-Ashley丨张雅欣

优才英语秀-Guardians of the Galaxy-Ashley丨张雅欣

2014-12-15    07'03''

主播: 新东方优才计划

1260 75

Hello, everyone, this is Ashley from only for the top one. Many days ago, there was a fascinating movie called Guardians of the galaxy, which is one of my favorite movies. So, today, let’s go into the world of planetary defenders and learn some good English expressions. 一段时间以前呢,有一部电影引起广泛关注,那就是银河护卫队。同时,这也是我非常喜欢的电影之一。那么,今天,就让我们一起走进宇宙保卫者们的世界里,同时,学一些好的英语表达。 Guardians tells the story of Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Groot and Drax as they try to keep a powerful stone from falling into the hands of Ronan, a supervillain who seeks to use the rock to destroy entire planets. The crew initially meets in prison, where they’ve all been arrested by The Nova Corps. From there, the story unwinds through a series of stunning interplanetary action sequences and well-timed meta-jokes. 《银河护卫队》讲述了Star-lord、Gamora、Rocket、Groot、以及Drax五人保护无限宝石,不让它落入超级大反派Ronan手中,从而拯救整个银河系的故事。电影伊始,这五人都被诺瓦军团所抓,在狱中相遇。故事随之展开,其中宇宙空间动作戏令人瞠目,各种卖萌犯贱也出现得正是时候。 The story unwinds through a series of stunning interplanetary action sequences and well-timed meta-jokes. 这句话可以很好地用来形容电影或者书籍。 unwind 展开,放松;stunning 极好的,震耳欲聋的。 If you are addicted to a very interesting book, you could say: The book unwinds through a series of stunning plots. Guardians introduces quite a few characters never before seen on film, and each has a backstory only the dedicated comic book fan could be expected to know offhand. This makes each character’s individual motivations and origins hazy. 《银河护卫队》中的许多人物从未登上过漫威电影的大荧幕,而他们各自的背景也只有那些资深漫威迷才说得出。这也让他们的个人目的和背景都变得难以捉摸。 Hazy=vague 模糊的,难以捉摸的。 如果说你对于一些细节记得不太清楚了,you could say: I am a little hazy about the details. That said, I was quite impressed with Guardians. The continued success of Marvel movies owes to their rich storytelling heritage. The foundations for these characters and films were laid decades ago, and they’ve been fortified and fleshed out over time. Guardians of the Galaxy takes B-list heroes and gives them a well-deserved chance to shine alongside their more popular super-powered peers. 即便如此,《银河护卫队》依旧令我印象深刻。漫威电影相继成功离不开其出色的叙事能力,漫威一向的优良传统。其电影中的角色都有着几十年的根基,并随着时间不断丰富充实。《银河护卫队》选择了一些二流人物为主角,同时也给了他们机会像那些最受欢迎的超级英雄一样大放光彩。 Rich storytelling heritage. 出色的叙事能力。 Flesh out is the same as put flesh on. 充实,具体化。 如果你的老师希望你把自己的论点用更多的例子充实一下增强说服力,he could say: You need to flesh out your argument with a few more examples. Among those characters, my favorite one is Groot. 在所有角色之中,我最喜欢的角色就是树人Groot. I believe many of you share the same feeling as me. Groot descends from a race of walking flora and resembles a sentient tree. Despite his strange appearance and limited communication skills, Groot proves to be a valuable ally and a loyal friend-not only to his fellow bounty hunter Rocket but to the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy as well. Groot作为一个暖男的形象得到了很多人的喜爱,树人会从手上长出小花给小女孩,会释放萤火虫照亮黑暗,会伸长手臂环绕你保护你。最后小小树人在花盆里跳舞的可爱样子一定也萌化了不少人的心。 And as you are listening, when little Groot is dancing in a flowerpot, the background music is exactly what you are listening now. Let’s enjoy it. So much for today. This is Ashley from only for the top one. See you next time.