

2015-01-02    06'24''

主播: 新东方优才计划

975 84

1. This week, we are going to talk about a star sign which is related to an animal, the bull. 金牛座,Taurus. Taurus is a Latin word meaning "bull", and its symbol is a bull's head. Taurus是公牛的拉丁语,星座符号是只牛头。这里我们先来一起学习几个牛的英语表达。We know ox and bull, 他们都是公牛,Wall Street华尔街街口有只公牛bull,寓意股市的牛市bull market. 芝加哥公牛队也叫做Bulls. 而母牛呢,我们说cow,经常说的西部牛仔,就是cowboy. 有公牛有母牛,当然还有小牛犊,calf. 那么牛的总称,一家三口,叫做cattle,牛群。 2. People who are born approximately between 21st of April and 20th of May come under the sign of Taurus. 金牛座。今天的金牛座故事呢,是关于Zeus和一位公主的。 在一个春天的清晨,Zeus出游玩耍。他忽然发现一些少女在海边的草地上跳舞嬉戏,其中有一位名叫Europa的公主最为美丽,Zeus被她深深的吸引。 这时淘气的小爱神Eros将箭射进了Zeus的心中,使他立刻疯狂的爱上了Europa,于是Zeus化身成为一头既漂亮又温驯的白色公牛来接近她。这头公牛额头上有道银圈、双角是新月的形状、身上带著香气、口中能吐出美妙的声音,Europa好奇地抚摸这头巨大的公牛,并骑了上去。 但是这头公牛竟然狂跳起来,载著Europa全力奔驰,当他们经过海洋 时,众神为他们开道;此时,惊恐的Europa才了解到这头公牛的身份,于是恳求Zeus原谅。 Zeus立刻向Europa倾诉他的爱意,并将她带到了一块陌生的大陆,又邀请四季之神为她妆扮,他们举行了盛大的婚礼。不久后Zeus一去不回,扔下Europa一个人。后来,这块大陆便称作Europa,就是现在的Europe欧洲,而公牛的形象也被Zeus升到天上,成为金牛座。 3. From the story, we learn that Europe is actually a land to memorize the beautiful princess Europa. memorize 纪念。And the bull is a form of Zeus. In Greek Mythologies, when Zeus falls in love with a girl, he often changes himself into different animals, like a goose or a bull, which is really interesting. Perhaps girls often have a special affection for animals. affection for sth. or sb., 喜欢。 4. Taurus people are usually straight-forward and down-to-earth. 金牛座的人通常比较直接,straight-forward, 他们也比较踏实,down-to-earth,也就是我们说的很接地气。他们性格温厚,tender, 待人真诚,sincere,相对于充满挑战的冒险,更喜欢安稳地度过一生, they prefer a normal and stable life. 我们形容安然无恙、平和的生活也可以用一个固定说法,safe and sound, safe and sound. I like this star sign because I have a lot of Taurus friends who are responsible,有责任感的,patient,耐心的,and perseverant,坚忍不拔的。And how do you like Taurus? 5. Alright, this is the end of today. Next week we’ll talk about Gemini,双子座。This is Shelly, from 优才英语秀。Have a good night, byebye. Background Music: And I Love You So