

2015-05-11    06'51''

主播: 新东方优才计划

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Everyone deals with discouragement at some point in their life. It’s part of what makes the human experience rich—the highs and the lows. If we didn’t experience the lows, then we wouldn’t appreciate the highs. Discouragement, disappointment, failure, and setbacks—these are all things that can help us if we maintain an empowering mindset. The key to life is to learn from these experiences, and minimize the amount of time that we allow ourselves to stay discouraged. So the next time you start to feel discouragement, here is what you should do: 1. Take the long view 从长远的角度看 The reality is that most things that are worthwhile take a lot of effort and time to come to fruition. So be patient! 事实是最值得我们付出努力和时间最重要的事情就是等着好结果。所以耐心点吧! 2. Remember, there is no such thing as failure. There is only education 记住!没有真正的失败,只是成长教育而已。 We can choose, instead of thinking of failure as bad, to think of failure as education, and therefore good. When we view it this way we realize that failure isn’t something that is bad, or something to be avoided. 我们可以选择把失败看成是一种成长教育,一件好事。如果这样看待问题,我们就会知道失败并不是什么坏事或者需要尽力避免的事情。 3. Stay true to our vision. See it again in our mind 不抛弃理想,再做一次白日梦吧 If we are feeling discouraged, think about our vision. Once we see it, and feel it, we will also feel empowered and our discouragement will dissipate. 感到沮丧的时候,想想自己的理想。一旦我们去幻想,去感受,就会感到充满了力量,沮丧也就烟消云散了。 4. Don’t let our ego get in the way of our development 不要让自负阻碍了自我的发展 Our ego is often the primary cause of our feelings of disappointment and discouragement. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can control our ego. When we do this, we are on the path of development. When we are internally strong enough to handle constructive criticism, and feedback, we receive the rewards of growth. Growth leads to happiness. 自负往往是造成失落感和沮丧的最主要缘由。其实并不一定要这样,我们可以控制自己。一旦控制了,我们就已经迈向了进步的阶梯。一旦我们真正有能力去面对处理那些批判、挫折,我们就会得到成长的礼物。成长的尽头是幸福。 5. Stop comparing ourself to others. We’re on a unique path 不要和别人比较,我们都是独一无二的 We see what they have and what we don’t. We see why they are better than us. When we do this we get discouraged and we feel sorry for ourselves. We don’t as easily see their struggles, their fears, their setbacks, and their failures. 我们看到的是他们有我们却没有的部分,我们看到的是为什么他们比我们优秀。一旦这样,我们就很容易感到失望为自己感到难受。同时,我们很少去关注他们的挣扎、害怕,挫折和失败。 6. Detach from rewards, focus on our actions and giving our best work 忘掉所谓的奖赏,专注于行动,付出最大的努力 When we don’t need someone else’s praise for doing something, when we don’t need a “carrot” for performing our work, then we are truly free to just focus on our work and make it great. When we create great work we are happy. 如果在做一件事时不需要别人的褒奖,也不需要对工作肯定的奖励,那么我们就真的能够专注于工作做到最好。一旦取得进步会非常开心。 music: I really like you