Fix You

Fix You

2014-10-21    04'55''

主播: Coldplayer x

1604 66

你玩最治愈的一首歌,也是我最爱的一首 When you try your best but you don't succeed 当你试尽全力,却还是得吞下败绩 When you get what you want but not what you need 当你心想事成时,却发现这不是你想要的 When you feel so tired but you can't sleep 当你感觉身心疲惫,却怎么也无法入睡 Stuck in reverse 绝望困住了你 And the tears come streaming down your face 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 When you lose something you can't replace 失去了无法挽回的所有 When you love someone but it goes to waste 那真的爱怜也付诸东流 Could it be worse? 一切都糟透了 Lights will guide you home 留一盏灯指引你回家 And ignite your bones 点一道火光,燃其那希望 And I will try to fix you 让我来……填满你的心 And high up above or down below 不是过了火,就是太软弱 When you're too in love to let it go 你爱的太深,所以你放手 But if you never try you'll never know 但是如果你从没试过 Just what you're worth 怎么知道你的价值 Lights will guide you home 留一盏灯指引你回家 And ignite your bones 点一道火光,燃其那希望 And I will try to fix you 让我来 填满你的心 Tears stream down your face 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 When you lose something you cannot replace 失去了无法挽回的所有 Tears stream down your face 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 And I …… 你还有我 Tears stream down your face 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 I promise you I will learn from my mistakes 我发誓会尽力保护你 Tears stream down your face 泪水决堤的洒满了你的脸 And I …… 你还有我 Lights will guide you home 留一盏灯指引你回家 And ignite your bones 点一道火光,燃其那希望 And I will try to fix you 让我来……填满你的心(via百度)
下一期: In My Place