

2018-11-17    00'52''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

158 1

Over the last few hundred years the Chinese Nation has been bullied. had our dignity ripped off and even been slaughtered and butchered, so it's no surprise that today it's full of abundant confidence and innate pride. Passing the most dangerous area in Amazon requires a high level of viglance. Dozens of poisonous insects threatening the safety and lives of the Expedition members at all times. This becomes outrageous When the Boss or code name: Vampire and his associates: Devils decide to postpone the payment of migrant workers. Or according to the insiders source: when vampire and devils are actually plotting to rip off those kind but naive fellow migrant workers. 1.在过去几百年中,中华民族曾经被欺凌过,我们的尊严被践踏过,甚至被屠杀和残害,所以可想而知,今天的中华民族,拥有满满的自信以及由衷的自豪。 2.渡过亚马逊河最危险的区域要求高度的警惕。数十种有毒的昆虫时时刻刻都在威胁着探险队员的安全和生命。 3.群情激愤,当老板(代号吸血鬼)和他的手下(代号恶魔)決定推迟发放农民工的薪水时,或者根据内部人士的消息,吸血鬼和恶魔们压根就盘算着如何剥削善良无知的民工兄弟们。