2019.1.4.EMF 时代广场跨年夜守护者NYPD(A)

2019.1.4.EMF 时代广场跨年夜守护者NYPD(A)

2019-01-04    01'11''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

143 0

1. This will be the heart of the crowd in just about 12 hours. Then if you look over my shoulder, the ball drop is right there. Let me give you an idea of the security. 2.These barricades went up overnight. All the trash cans in this area have been removed protectively and the NYPD has even gone so far as to seal the manhole covers under our feet in this area. All that plus an on-duty force tonight describe to me as larger than the police force of most major cities any night of the year. 3. People hoping to celebrate here tonight will go through metal detectors frst, No backpacks. coolers or umbrellas will be allowed. Some people may even be patted down if officers feel there's something they need to take a closer look at. 4. The drone actully is ble to give us a view inside any of the gaps between those cameras. It gives us flexibility, visibility and agility that you wouldn't have with another device. 仅在大约12个小时后,这里将成为人群聚集的核心地带。如果你看向我的身后,水晶球降落仪式就在那里。我来跟你讲一下(这里的)安保措施。 路障一夜之间就出现了。为了保险起见,这个区域的所有垃圾桶也被移除。纽约警局甚至做到这些程度……将此处的下水道井盖都封起来了。所有这些加上今晚的执勤警力,在我看来,比大多数主要城市今年任一晚的警力规模都要大。 那些期待今晚在这里庆祝新年的人们首先将通过金属探测仪的探测。不准携带背包,冷饮,雨伞。如果警方认为一些人身上有需要仔细査看的东西,这些人甚至会被搜身。 无人机实际上能够让我们看到摄像头之间的盲区。它给我们带来的灵活性、可视性和敏捷性是其他设备所不能带来的。