1.13.EMF 周末Fun轻松 该不该养只宠物,陪孩子一起长大?

1.13.EMF 周末Fun轻松 该不该养只宠物,陪孩子一起长大?

2019-01-13    00'44''

主播: Steven Tang 3366

161 1

Studies found dogs and cats can help improve a child's mental and physical health. Pets can help children socialize better. teach them responsibilities, reduce stress. teach empathy and kindness. Children who grow up with pets get sick less often and are less likely to develop aller gies and asthma. It's also good for pets to grow up around children.They receive more attention and make a friend for life. Some breeds are more child-friendly than others. Vets recommend researching breeds before making a decision Training the pet and educating the child are also important. 研究发现狗和猫能够帮助提升孩子心理健康和身体健康。宠物能够帮助孩子更好地进行社交,教会他们责任,降低他们的紧张情绪,教会他们同理心与善良。在宠物相伴之下成长的孩子更不容易生病,不..容易发生过敏和哮喘。在孩子身边成长对宠物也很有利。它们会获得更多的关注,交到一生的朋友。一些品种的宠物会比另一些品种对孩子更友好。兽医建议在做決定前要调查宠物品种。对宠物进行训练,以及教育好孩子也很重要。