

2017-12-11    28'00''

主播: yoga_yj

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Lesson 29 A Free Discussion 自由讨论 Part One: foreign trade dialogues: Introduce the company 介绍公司 A: Can you tell me something about your company? A: 你能告诉我有关贵公司的情况吗? B: Yes, our company was set up in 1978 with a capital of 2 million dollars. It's now one of the biggest manufacturers of medicines, and we have offices in every major city. We deal in a wide range of related products. The annual output value reached 13 million in U. S. dollars last year. B: 好的。我们公司成立于1978年,当时的资本是200万美元。如今已经是最大的制药厂之一,而且我们在每一座大城市都设有办事处。相关产品的经营范围相当广泛。去年年度生产总值达到一千三百万美元。 A: How many employees do you have? A: 你们有多少员工? B: About 2,300 in the plant and 500 in the office. B: 工厂大约有2300人,办公室500人。 A: What is your market share? A: 市场占有率是多少? B: We now have 30% of the market. We will get more next year as our new production line is put into operation. B: 我们现在的市场占有率是30%。随着新生产线的投产,明年市场占有率将会更大。 A: How do your quality control and management systems operate here? A: 在这里你们的质量控制管理制度是如何运作的? B: To answer this question, I'd like to show you a 10-minute film about our company. It can give you a better explanation than me. B: 要回答这个问题,我想为您放映一个有关公司的10分钟的片子。它会比我解释得更清楚。 1. deal in 意为“经营,从事……方面的买卖” eg. This shop deals in kitchen utensils. 这家店专营厨房用具。 They deal in fantasyland. That's what we do here—tell stories and create images. 他们经营他们的梦境——这正是我们做的事情——讲故事,创造影像。 2. set up v. 建立;装配;开业;竖立 eg. In remembrance of the battle, we set up a museum.  为纪念那次战役, 我们建立了一座博物馆。 eg. A fund will be set up for the orphans. 一项为孤儿设立的基金即将建立起来。 3. put into operation 使生效;使运转,使开动 eg. A trial run is needed before the machine is put into operation.  在机器投入运行前,要先进行试车。 eg. The 50 Chery hybrid electric vehicles that have been put into operation in Beijing for a week are reaping praise from cabbies.  奇瑞公司推出的50辆油电混合出租车已在北京投入运营一周。 Part Two: Let’s write an email: 1.Dear Ms. Amy, 亲爱的Amy, This is Ms Yuan, I work for *** USA as their Asia Supply Chain Director. 我是袁小姐,是美国***公司亚洲供应链负责人。 Since its establishment in 1989, *** Manufacturing and Sales, LLC and Inserts International have earned a prestigious reputation for providing fine quality service in the metal component industry. ***工贸公司成立于1989年,在国际金属部件行业内以优良的服务品质享有盛誉。 We discovered your factory from Internet. We have a plastic space project, and would like to provide this opportunity to your company to quote the following parts. 我们从互联网上了解到贵工厂。我们有一个塑料垫片项目,希望与贵工厂合作,报以下部件价格; Please find attached prints for the following requests for quotes: 请查看附件核对一下产品报价要求: Requirements: 要求: Please include the Net Weight per thousand in your quotation. 请在报价中写明每1000片净重。 Please Include Lead Time for First Article Samples and Production Parts. 请写明样品交货期和大货交货期。 Note: If production purchase order provided, factory expected to pay all costs for First Article Sample. 备注:如果订单确认,工厂必须出全部样品费。 Freight Terms: FOB –Delivered to ***’s freight broker. 贸易条件:FOB条款下货送至***货运代理商处。 Payment Terms: T30% with order, balance against B/L copy. 付款方式:预付30%定金,尾款见提单副本支付。 Please note us if the factory use the same material, it is need finished or not. 不论贵工厂使用或者不使用同样的材料生产, Please provide price back as soon as possible. 希望尽快提供您的报价。 Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding this project. 如果对这个项目有任何问题,请随时联系我。 Sincerely 真诚的 Yuan 袁   Part Three:Business English   Lesson 29 A Free Discussion自由讨论 1.Words: activity活动;amazing令人惊异的;appeal to 吸引;boring 枯燥的;brainstorm集思广益;casual 轻松的; current目前的;;destination目的地;frankly坦白地说;plain简单的;publisher 出版社;resort 度假村;reward 犒劳;session 会议;ski滑雪;summit 山峰;typeface 字体;underneath 下面的;vacation度假; 2.Phrases: be into …喜欢…; be up for 赞同;Publishing House 出版社; serious-looking 外表严肃的;speaking for 对…来说; Dialogue 1: Andrew: To reward everyone for their hard work and excellent results this past year, we’re going to organize a weekend trip sometime in March. This is our first time doing this, so I thought we would have a quick brainstorm session to come up with possible destinations and activities. Andrew: 在过去的一年里,大家辛勤工作,获得了很好的业绩,为了犒劳大家,我们将在三月组织一次周末出游活动。这是我们第一次组织这样的活动,所以我想我们可以开个短会,集思广益,想想可以去哪些地方,做哪些活动。 Ed:A friend of mine vacationed at Diamond Springs Golf Club last year. He said he had an amazing time. Ed: 去年,我的一个朋友去钻石温泉高尔夫俱乐部度假,他说,他在那里玩得特别好。 Lynn:That may be good for the guys, but speaking for our female staff, we’re not really that into golf. What about going on a fishing trip? Lynn:那对男性来说可能很有意思, 不过对于女性员工来说,我们对高尔夫球没多少兴趣,去钓鱼怎么样? Lan: Fishing? Frankly, that sounds kind of boring. Ian: 钓鱼?坦白地说,听起来有点枯燥。 Andrew:Okay anyone has any other ideas? Andrew: 好吧,还有人有其他想法吗? Doug:A couple of years ago I took my family to Blue Summit Ski Resort. They’ve got beautiful rooms, a relaxing spa, and several bars and restaurants. Doug:两年前,我带着家人去蓝色巅峰滑雪度假村,那里有漂亮的房间,使人放松的健身中心以及几家酒吧和饭店。 Lynn:Hmm, that sounds like fun. Lynn:嗯,听上去挺有意思。 Lan:I’d be up for that. Ian:我赞同这个提议。 Dialogue 2: Erica:Before we break for lunch, I want to hear everyone’s thoughts on designing a new logo for Perry Publishing House. I think we all agree it’s time for a change. Erica:在吃午饭以前,关于为佩里出版社设计新标识一事,我想听听各位的想法。我想,我们都认为这个标识应该换了。 Jason:Yeah, the old logo is too serious-looking. As a publisher of children’s books, we need something that will appeal to both parents and kids. Jason:是呀,旧标识看上去太严肃了,作为一家儿童书出版社,我们需要一个既吸引家长又吸引孩子的标识。 Alice:For starters, I think we should use a more casual typeface. Something like Comic Sans or Mistral. Alice:我想,我们首先要使用一种更加随意的字体,比如漫画体或者波浪字体。 Cheryl:Mistral is too cursive and can be hard on the eyes. But Comic Sans would be nice. Cheryl:波浪体太潦草了,不容易辨识,不过漫画体不错。 Jason:Okay, now how about adding a bit of color? The current logo is just plain black and white. Jason:好的,是否加点色彩? 目前的标识只是简单的黑白色。 Eric:I suggest using different colors of the rainbow for “ Perry”, maybe purple, blue, red, green and orange. Then we can have the words “Publishing House” underneath that in small black text. Eric:我建议,“Perry”这两个字用彩虹的七色,比如紫色,蓝色,红色,绿色和橙色,然后“出版社”三个字可以使用黑色小文本体放在下面。 Cheryl:That could work.我看行。 Part Four: Business Words: 1.mitigate v减轻,缓和; Many experts stress the importance of writing a clear and solid business plan as a way to mitigate the risk of starting your own business. 许多专家都强调撰写一份清楚并且可信的商业计划书来降低创业风险的重要性; 2.moderate v 缓和;adj 温和的; A moderate increase in both investment and consumption will play an active role in stimulating the market. 适度地增加投资和提高消费水平对刺激市场将起到积极作用; 3.morale n 士气,斗志; Every successful business seeks, acquires, and strives to maintain a high level of morale throughout their organization. 每个成功的企业都在寻找,追求,努力维持组织中高昂的士气。 4.norming n 规范化,规范期; The social norming means much to most people. It’s actually common practice in family life, at school and on sports teams. 社会规范对很多人而言是非常重要的。这种规范实际上在家庭生活中,在学校里和在运动队中都是通用的。 5.Obsolete adj 过时的;vt 淘汰; In a consumer economy, many products are not designed to last, and the constant change in designs make the older products obsolete. 在消费经济下,许多产品被设计出来并不是为了耐用,不停改变的样式使原有产品过时,并遭到淘汰; 6 obstacle n 障碍; The main reason that Obamacare is encountering obstacles is simple: the American people do not want it. 奥巴马医改遭到障碍的主要原因很简单,美国人不要这个。 7 offset v 抵消,补偿; The higher returns from the increased sales were offset by inflation and the rise in operating costs. 不断增加的销售额所带来的高回报被通货膨胀和运营成本的增加抵消了。