

2018-12-31    34'04''

主播: yoga_yj

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【EM2-LP4 Activities – B At School】 Meten, LH Center, SZ, LT: Yoga Yu (终于完工,我这忙的,还好没拖到2019,赶在2018最后一天完工!还放上我喜欢的歌跨年,别说,有几句歌词还挺适合学英文!祝大家新年快乐,加油!)亲爱的听众朋友们大家好,这里是Yoga的荔枝电台,FM799839,我是美联深圳龙华中心的LT Yoga,在这里为大家播讲新M2的LP4B:At School的课程,欢迎您的收听,希望通过我们的节目,你能够对本课有更好的预习和复习,让我们开始学习吧! Unit Goals of Unit 4B: 教学目标:(1)Talk about school subjects and activities; 谈论学校科目和活动;(2)Talk about long-term plans; 谈论长期计划; 【Words and phrases: 单词和短语:】 1.课文中的单词和短语:Luis路易斯, Simon Bolivar University西蒙·玻利瓦尔大学, Caracas加拉加斯, Venezuela委内瑞拉, EI Sistema EI系统, National 国家的, music program音乐计划, take classes上课, term学期, prepare for为…做准备, college entrance exam大学入学考试, subject科目, major专业, chart图表,. hospitality好客;gather聚集, downtown市内的, fashion institute服装学院, education教育, focus on集中于, dormitory宿舍( 简称:dorm), school building 教学大楼; 2.科目词汇:art美术, business商科,engineering工程学, graphic design平面设计, history历史,information technology (IT)信息技术, law法律, math数学, nursing护理, science科学, tourism / hospitality旅游, 3.其他词汇: true or false对的还是错的, be similar to和…类似的, prefix前缀, make predictions 做预测, the things above以上的东西, infer information推测信息, title标题, scan for information浏览信息, circle圈出来, underline下划线, explain解释;caption标题, identify main ideas识别主要观点.infer meaning推断意思, italic斜体字, the present continuous现在进行时, extended time延长的时间, make an interview做访问。 【Sentences: 句子;】 (1)提问上学的句子: —Where is Luis a student?Luis是哪里的学生?—He is a student at Simon Bolivar University. 他是Simon Bolivar 大学的学生。/He goes to Simon Bolivar University. 他上的是Simon Bolivar大学。 2)—What is he studying?他学什么?—He is majoring in music at the university.他在这所大学学音乐专业。 3)—What classes is he taking?他上些什么课?—He is taking math, science and history too. 他上数学,科学和历史课。 4)—What is he preparing for?他在准备什么?—He is preparing for the college entrance exam.他正在准备大学入学考试。 (2)其他询问学习的句子: -What is he majoring?他学什么专业?-He is majoring in art. 他学艺术专业。 -Why is he studying? 他为什么学习?- He is trying to get a better job. 他为了得到一个好工作。 -Where is he working? 他在哪里工作?–He is working in a hotel. 他在一家酒店里工作。 —How is he feeling in class? 他上课感觉样? –He is not having fun in class.他上课不开心。 (3) 关于学习具体提问: -What school is Nicolas studying at this term? Nicolas本学期在哪个学校学习? –He is studying at the University of Science and Technology. 他在科技大学学习。 -Why is he going to this school? 为什么他要上这个学校? -Because the university has a great business school.因为这个学校的商学院很棒。 -Where is he living? 他住在哪里? –He is living in a dorm with a roommate. 他和室友住在一个宿舍里。 -What classes is he taking? 他上什么课?–He is taking three business classes and one Chinese class. 他上三门商业课和一门中文课。 -How is he doing in his language class? 他的语言课学得怎样? –It’s ok, he can talk to people outside of school.还不错,他可以和校外的人聊天。 -Is he enjoying Hong Kong? 他喜欢香港吗?Why or why not?为什么,为什么不?-Yes, he is having a good time. Because HK is a really exciting and beautiful city. 是的,他很开心。因为香港真的是个很令人激动和美丽的城市。 【Article 文章】关于留学的文章; Study Abroad 留学海外 In this issue of Study Abroad magazine, Emma Moore is talking to Nicolas Ruiz, a student from Argentina. He’s studying in Hong Kong this term. 在本期的留学海外的杂志中,Emma Moore 正在和Nicolas聊天,Nicolas是一名来自阿根廷的学生,他本学期正在香港学习。 Emma: So, Nicolas, tell our readers a little about yourself.那么,Nicolas,跟我们的读者聊聊你自己吧。 Nicolas: Well, I’m from Argentina.  At home, I’m a student at the University of Buenos Aires. This term, I’m studying at the University of Science and Technology, here in Hong Kong. 好的,我来自阿根廷,在国内,我是布宜诺斯艾利斯大学的学生,这个学期,我在香港科技大学学习。 Emma: Why is this school? 为什么是这所学校呢? Nicolas: Well, I’m majoring in business, and the University of Science and Technology has a great business school. 嗯,我的专业是商业,科技大学有很好的商学院。 Emma: So, how’s it going? 那么这所学校如何呢? Nicolas: Great! The classes are really interesting, and I’m learning a lot. There are also students from all over the world here. (欠奉) Emma: Where are you living?  你住在那里? Nicolas: I’m in a dorm with a roommate. He’s from Malaysia and he’s really nice. 我和室友住在宿舍里,他来自马来西亚,而且他人很好。 Emma: Glad to hear it. So, tell us about school. Which classes are you taking? 很高兴听到你这么说,跟我们讲讲学校的事儿,你们上些什么课程呀? Nicolas: I’m taking three business classes and one Chinese class. 我们学三门商业课和一门中文课。 Emma: How’s your Chinese? 你中文怎么样? Nicolas: It’s ok. My speaking is improving. Now I can talk to people outside of school.很好,我的口语正在提高,现在我可以和校外的人们聊天了。 Emma: Excellent. So, are you enjoying Hong Kong? 太棒了,那么,你喜欢香港吗? Nicolas: Oh, yeah. I’m having a great time. There’s a lot to do and see. It’s a really exciting and beautiful city.哦,是的,我很愉快,这里有很多事情可以做,很多东西可以看。这真是个令人激动的美丽的城市。 Emma: That’s wonderful. Thanks a lot for your time, Nicolas, and good luck with your studies. 很棒,非常感谢抽空接受采访,Nicolas,学业顺利哦! 【Grammar语法】: 现在进行时用法; 一、概述,现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作或存在的状态。 - Is this raincoat yours? 这件雨衣是你的吗?- No, mine is hanging there behind the door. 不是,我的在门后边挂着。I don't really work here; I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives. 我其实不在这上班;我只是暂时在这帮忙,一直帮到来了新秘书. 二,现在进行时的构成 ; 现在进行时由"be+v-ing"构成。be应为助动词,初学者最容易漏掉,它应与主语的人称和数保持一致。 现在进行时由“助动词be(is/am/are)+ v-ing”构成。 I am looking for a pair of black shoes.我正在找双黑色的鞋。 He is picking the apples on that tree.他正在摘那棵树上的苹果。 三,现在进行时的应用; (1)表示说话人说话时正在进行的动作,它不涉及该动作的发生和结果,译成汉语“正在”,这一用法常和表示此刻的时间状语连用,如now, at this time, at present,at the moment等。I'm doing my homework now. 我现在正在做作业。It's raining hard.天正在下雨。 -What are you doing? 你在干什么?-I'm doing some washing.我在洗衣服。 (2)表示现阶段但并非眼下正在进行着的动作,这种动作常与表示一段的时间状语连用,如these days , this week等。He is writing a novel now.目前他在写一本小说。He is learning English at college.他在大学学英语。 (3)表示将来的动作;表示某个按最近的计划或安排将要进行的动作,或即将开始或进行的动作。常用的这类词go, come, leave, stay, start, arrive, land, meet, move, return, stay, stop, do, dine等,通常要与表示将来的时间状语连用,以区别此刻正在进行的动作。 He is coming to see you tomorrow.他明天要来看你。 His sister is leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow.他姐姐明天动身去香港。 They're flying to Beijing tomorrow.他们明天飞往北京。 (4)表达褒贬等感情色彩;和always ,forever, continually, constantly, instantly, continuously等频度副词连用,表示经常、反复发生的动作,不强调动作的进行性。表达厌烦、愤怒、抱怨、赞扬等情感。He is constantly leaving his things about.他时常乱丢东西。(表责怪) He is always working hard.他总是学习很用功。(表赞赏) (5)表示刚刚过去的动作。这一用法不强调动作的进行性。Do you hear what he's saying, mother? 妈妈,你听见他说的了吗?Every word I'm telling you is true.我告诉你的每一句话都是真的。 (6)描写一种状态,具有感情色彩;I am missing you dreadfully.我非常想念你。 My head is splitting.我头痛欲裂。He is playing us a trick. 他在耍我们呢。 四,现在进行时的变化 ; 肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它. 否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它. 一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它? 注:对现在进行时的特殊疑问句的回答,它不可以用Yes或No直接作答,要根据实际情况回答。