Pursue your dream career

Pursue your dream career

2015-11-21    01'24''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

6726 149

“Find a job you enjoy, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” I am not sure if that is entirely accurate--- even dream jobs can be hard work, but, it does make life much easier if you are doing something you love. What type⌒of job do you dream about? Some⌒of⌒us know from the time we are very young what we want to do when we grow⌒up. Others take forever to figure⌒it⌒out. Still others would try a career or two, and then go⌒on to do something completely different with their lives. The days⌒of working for the same company for⌒a lifetime are long gone. It⌒is quite acceptable in today’s workplace to consider a variety of career options. 找寻理想中的职业 “找到你喜爱的工作,那你这辈子便没有一天是在工作。” 我不敢肯定这种说法是否完全准确---因为即使是理想的工作也可能会很辛苦。不过,如果你做的是你所热爱的事情的话,那么它确实可以使生活变得格外轻松。 你理想中的工作是什么类型?我们中有些人从小的时候就知道长大后想要干什么;而其他一些人却始终在寻找答案。还有一些人会先尝试一两种职业,然后去从事一个与他们的生活方式完全不同的职业。那种在一家企业里干到老的年代已经一去不复返了。在今天的职场中,考虑多种不同的职业选择是完全可以接受的。
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