SONG OF JOY (贝多芬欢乐颂,高能)

SONG OF JOY (贝多芬欢乐颂,高能)

2015-03-07    03'11''

主播: G·L·O·W

1517 104

SONG OF JOY (欢乐颂) Come sing a song of joy for peace shall come my brother Sing, sing a song of joy for men shall love each other That day will dawn just as sure as hearts that are pure are hearts set free No man must stand alone with outstretched hand before him Reach out and take them in yours with love that endures for ever more Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding Come sing a song of joy of freedom tell the story Sing, sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory One mighty voice that will bring a sound that will ring for evermore Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding Come sing a song of joy of freedom tell the story Sing, sing a song of joy for mankind in his glory One mighty voice that will bring a sound that will ring for evermore Then sing a song of joy for love and understanding 这首被称为最快乐的圣诗的作者是范戴克(Henry van Dyke, 1852-1933)。他出生在美国宾州的德国城,是一位卓越的长老会的牧师,也是大学教授。威尔逊总统曾派他出任荷兰及卢森堡大使。第一次世界大战时他曾任美国海军军中牧师。他著作众多且畅销,如「第四博土」(The Other Wise Man),「伤心的牧人」(The Sad Shepherd) ,散文,诗集及灵修书籍等。 1907年,他应邀在威廉斯大学演讲,当地的青翠山峦,引起了他的遐思而写了这首诗,赠送给威廉斯大学校长,并说必须要谱以贝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770~1827)第九交响曲主题,最后乐章的 大合唱「欢乐颂」(Hymn of Joy)来唱。第九交响曲是贝多芬最后 的一首交响曲,也被认为他最伟大的创作,他前后花了六年时间,完成于1823年。1824年公开演出时,他已全聋,但仍亲自指挥乐队,演毕时他听不到如雷的掌声,直到一位队员扶他转身,他才看到成千的听众站立,挥手帕向他致敬。 戴克说他写这首诗是表达对 神的伟大创造的敬意。 第一节:以快乐的心来崇拜,驱散人间的愁苦烦恼。 第二节:诸天万物,述说祂的荣耀。 第三节:主内一家,信徒友爱相亲。 第四节:天父统治,信徒凯歌前行。 目前本诗歌所用的曲调,是取用英国作曲家贺爱德(Edward Hodges,1796-1867)的改编。