the beautiful forest---Crystal

the beautiful forest---Crystal

2018-03-04    03'23''

主播: crystal&jessica

27 0

“This forest is beautiful!" says Lele, as he runs through the trees. "There are no cars to pollute the air, no factories to produce noise, and no buildings to block the sunshine.” “We like this forest! We want to live here!" the children laugh and cheer. Claire picks flowers. Each flower is brightly coloured and beautiful. Soon a storm cloud rolls in. "Lele," she says. "What will we do if it rains?" “No problem, Claire," says Lele. "Kuan and I will use the trees to build houses that will protect us from the rain." Soon Lele and Kuan cut trees down, and make lumber to build houses. The forest is then full of big, wooden houses. "All of our friends can live here now," says Lele. The children run into their houses and decorate them happily. “But what about food, Lele?" Claire asks. "I mean, there are lots of plants, but no meals. I'd love to sit down and have a nice meal tonight.” With Kuan's help, Lele and his friends produce large and noisy food factories. "We can make food in our factories now." Soon they are dining like royalty. They clink their glasses together when Claire frowns. "What is it Claire?" asks Lele. “Oh, nothing. It's nothing," she replies. "It's just that the forest is so big. How can we reduce the time it takes to get from one place to another? Walking takes too long." Lele rolls his eyes, and thinks of a solution. “This forest could really use some roads, cars, and underground trains," he says. "Kuan, let's get on that." The boys build loud machinery to make tunnels, and even more factories to make cars. Soon the sky is full of thick, dark smoke, and the children can hardly hear each other speak because of the noise. “And there's no quiet, and no sunshine, and the air smells strange now," says Lele. "It's exactly the same as our city now!" "Kuan, can you take us back in time to enjoy the forest without all this pollution?” And in a moment they return to the deep, beautiful forest with a light rain to refresh them.