【英文绘本】Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal

【英文绘本】Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal

2015-03-23    06'24''

主播: 宇翔英语故事

73 1

【英文绘本】Clever Boy and the Terrible, Dangerous Animal Author - Idries Shah Illustrator - Rose Mary Santiago Summary - When a boy visits another village, he is amazed to find the townspeople terrified of something that — just because they have not seen it before — they mistake for a terrible, dangerous animal. With his own knowledge and by demonstration, he helps them overcome their fears. 每周一为孩子们奉上英文经典绘本故事,请大家订阅收听哦。 关注“宇翔英语”微信,有更多收获哦!