海亮读新闻:EtonX arrives at China

海亮读新闻:EtonX arrives at China

2015-10-19    04'16''

主播: 海亮老师

91 7

Eton College is going to launch online lessons for schools in China. 伊顿公学将在中国部分学校推出在线课程。 From this autumn, the leading UK independent school is going to provide classes in leadership to Chinese students, using live online tuition. 从今年秋季开始,这家英国名校将采用在线实时教学的方式向中国学生提供领导能力课程。 The school has formed a partnership with a technology firm to create a company called EtonX. 该校与一间科技公司合作,成立了一间名为EtonX的公司。 The school, in Berkshire, says any income raised by the international project will be used for bursaries to cover pupils' fees. 伊顿公学位于伯克郡,校方表示此次国际课程的收入将被用作助学金来补贴学生的学费。 Percy Harrison, director of information technology at Eton College, says the school would be able to reach a wider number of pupils, without setting up an overseas campus. 伊顿公学信息技术总监玻西·哈里森说,通过这种方式,学校可以不用建立海外校区就能惠及更多学生。 He said there were risks to the "brand" of independent schools setting up overseas "franchises", but the online venture would allow Eton to provide lessons for students in China without losing control of the quality. 他表示,在海外建立分校对伊顿公学的品牌来说存在风险,而在线课程可以使学校向中国学生提供课程的同时严把质量关。 The EtonX project will see pupils in China learning from a mixture of interactive content produced at Eton, with one-to-one online teaching from tutors in the UK. EtonX公司让中国的学生使用伊顿制作的互动材料学习,课程还包括与英国导师网上一对一的授课时间。 The cost, about £700 per pupil, will be paid by Chinese parents as an optional extra, like a music lesson. 课程的费用大约每生700英镑,由中国家长支付,该课程与音乐课一样,属于课外选修。 Teachers from Eton have been to the schools in China to talk to their counterparts in Chinese classrooms. At the launch, the project is expected to involve "less than a dozen" schools in China. 伊顿的教师曾来过中国的学校与同行进行交流。在线课程项目在中国的合作学校将“不到12个”。 The lessons, aimed at China's aspirational middle-class families, will teach secondary pupils a "modern leadership programmed", taught in English and focusing on communication skills and how to work collaboratively. 该课程的目标群体为中国志向高远的中产家庭。它将为中学生教授“现代领导能力”课程,该课程用英语授课,主要关注沟通技能和团队合作。 The aim is to give Chinese students skills for a modern international workplace, which will help them think beyond a school system with a high level of rote learning. 该课程的目的在于教会学生在现代国际化工作场所的技能,帮助他们在高度机械化学习的学校体制下有更开阔的思维。 Mr. Harrison said the project would carry Eton's "DNA" in terms of the school's emphasis on developing leadership. 哈里森先生表示,该项目将带有伊顿公学的“基因”,重点关注领导才能的开发。 The project is being run with education-technology company 1870. Its founder, Simon Walsh, said he wanted to "humanize" digital education through individual online tuition. 该项目由教育技术公司Eighteen70运营,该公司的创始人西蒙·维斯表示,他想通过个人网络教学使数字化教学人性化。 Such online courses have been mainly associated with universities - and the EtonX brand is reminiscent of online projects by US universities, such as HarvardX and MITx. 这样的在线课程之前主要与大学教育有关。EtonX这个品牌名称也是美国大学网络教育项目的翻版,如HarvardX和MITx。 Former pupils at the school include Prince William and Prime Minister David Cameron. 威廉王子和英国首相大卫·卡梅伦都曾就读伊顿公学。 解析:众所周知,英国留学的学费是相当昂贵的,许多优秀的学生想出国留学无奈家庭条件不及,因此错失了很多深造的机会。伊顿公学是英国的名校,此次开设了对中国部分学校的在线课程,不用出国也可以面对面网上交流,惠及了许多人!当然,机会也是留给有准备的人,学校创造了条件,自然也需要大家的努力。 Vocabulary bursary: 助学金 rote learning: 机械式学习,死记硬背 reminiscent: 让人想起