Chris老师的睡前故事2-The wind and the sun

Chris老师的睡前故事2-The wind and the sun

2014-09-22    01'50''

主播: 克里斯斯斯

530 9

The wind and the sun 北风与太阳 One day, the wind and the sun were arguing about who was the strongest. "It is clear that I am the strongest," said the wind. "When I blow, branches break off the trees, and the waves beat on the shore."有一天,北风和太阳在争论谁是最强的。“很明显,我才是最强的."北风说,”当我吹动时,树枝从树上折落,海浪会拍打在礁石上。“ "That's nothing," said the sun. "I am much stronger than that." Just then, they saw a man wearing a heavy coat. "We will both try to make this man take off his coat," said the sun. "Whoever succeeds will be the strongest."”那没什么,“太阳说:”我比那强多了。“就在这时他们看到一个穿着厚外套的男人。”我们都尽力让那个男人脱掉他的外套怎么样?“太阳说:”成功的那个就是最强的。“ The wind agreed to go first. He blew hard at the man, but it was no use. The man became cold and held onto his coat with both hands. 北风同意了并打算第一个试试。他用力地吹向那个男人,但是那没用。这个男人觉得更冷了并用双手紧紧地扯紧了自己的外套。 Then it was the sun's turn. He came out from behind a cloud and shone gently down on the man. The man smiled and took off his coat to enjoy the warm sunshine.然后轮到太阳了。他从云后面探出脑袋并温柔地照射着那个男人。这个男人微笑着脱掉了自己的外套并开始享受温暖的阳光。 "You see?" asked the sun. "Kindness and gentleness are stronger than anything in the world." ”看到了吧?“太阳说:”善良和温柔比这世界上任何东西都要强。“