Morning Cheese English 098 20190527

Morning Cheese English 098 20190527

2019-05-27    01'20''

主播: Jeffree🐰杰福瑞刘老师

123 0

Morning Cheese English 098 20190527 Good morning, everyone! It's time for Morning Cheese English. 今天的茄子早安英语和您分享的是搭配 “be loved up” ,描述人非常恩爱的样子。它可以形容结婚多年的夫妻之间的恩爱,也可以形容交往初期甜蜜的恩爱。形容词 “loved-up” 可以做定语,意思是 “恩爱有加的”。 例句 Even after all these years, my parents are still the most loved-up couple I know. It's very sweet to see. 即使过了这么多年,我爸妈还是我见过的最恩爱的夫妻。看着特别甜蜜。 They used to be totally loved up! It's sad that they couldn't solve their problems and stay together. 他们曾经相亲相爱!很可惜,因为没能解决彼此之间的问题而分开了。