E51 威斯敏斯特桥 | 原汁原味最动听 | 英文诗

E51 威斯敏斯特桥 | 原汁原味最动听 | 英文诗

2017-01-11    02'32''

主播: LunaMichele

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用知识 推动你的英文学习 请 搜索微信公众号【英文早班机】来拿更漂亮的文本 还有更多精彩等你哟 么么哒~ Composed upon Westminster Bridge 威斯敏斯特桥上 -威廉·华兹华斯- Earth has not anything to show more fair 大地再没有比这儿更美的风貌 Dull would he be of soul who could pass by 若有谁,对如此壮丽动人的景物 A sight so touching in its majesty 竟无动于衷,那才是灵魂麻木 This City now doth, like a garment, wear 瞧这座城市,像披上一领新袍 The beauty of the morning; silent, bare 披上了明艳的晨光;环顾周遭 Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and templeslie 船舶,尖塔,剧院,教堂,华屋 Open unto the fields, and to the sky 都寂然、坦然,向郊野、向天穹赤露 All bright and glittering in the smokelessair 在烟尘未染的大气里粲然闪耀 Never did sun more beautifully steep 旭日金挥洒布于峡谷山陵 In his first splendour, valley, rock, orhill 也不比这片晨光更为奇丽 Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep 我何尝见过、感受过这深沉的宁静 The river glideth at his own sweet will 河上徐流,由着自己的心意 Dear God! the very houses seem asleep 上帝呵!千门万户都沉睡未醒 And all that mighty heart is lying still 这整个宏大的心脏仍然在歇息 原来时光很慢 慢到一生只爱一个人 现在时光很快 依然可以一年只读一本书 我是Luna 我在| Luna伴读 |等你