E62 顿悟 | 原汁原味最动听 | 英文诗

E62 顿悟 | 原汁原味最动听 | 英文诗

2017-01-18    06'07''

主播: LunaMichele

130 3

用知识 推动你的英文学习 我是Luna,如果你想跟我聊聊,可以添加 微信lunabandu , 微博Luna不靠谱_ 英语,情感,生活,和人生方向的问题,治愈万千小鹿不再乱撞~ 搜索微信公众号【英文早班机】有更多精彩等你~ Sudden Light 顿悟 - 但丁- I have been here before 我一定到过此地 but when or how i cannot tell 何时,何因,却不知详 I know the grass beyond the door 只记得门外草依依 the sweet keen smell 阵阵甜香    the sighing sound, the lights around theshore 围绕岸边的闪光,海的叹息 you have been mine before 往昔你曾属于我 how long ago i may not know 只不知距今已有多久 but just when at that swallow’s soar 但刚才你看飞燕穿梭 your neck turned so  葛然回首 some veil did fall, --- i knew it all ofyore 纱幕落了!——这一切我早就见过 Has this been thus before 莫非真有过此情此景 And shall not thus time’s eddying flight 时间的飞旋会不会再一次 Still with our lives our love restore 恢复我们的生活与爱情 In death’s despite 超越了死 and day and night yield onedelight once more 日日夜夜再给 一次欢欣