Lesson 9 Flying cats

Lesson 9 Flying cats

2015-04-12    19'39''

主播: 跟Jane学英语

2113 154

1.fascinate/ be fascinated by 2.affectionate/affection 3.submissive/submit 4.indepence-independent-dependent-depend declaration of independence独立宣言 independence hall独立大厅(位于美国费城,独立宣言签字处) independence day 7.4美国独立纪念日 war of independence独立战争 5.be suspicious of/about 6.a great deal of/ a great amount of + U.N 7.have...in common 8.fall off+sth; fall from +sth; fall+楼层数 9.impact(n&v) Visual impact 视觉冲击 10.high speeds/ a long drop/fall further 11.cat的有关词组: cat walk 猫步 an old cat 坏脾气的老太婆 a barber's cat 面现病容和饥色的人 as sick as a cat形容某人病得厉害 like a cat on hot bricks急得像热锅上的蚂蚁 When the cat's away, the mouse will play. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。 Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心。 There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with cream. 不要在一棵树上吊死。 a frightened rabbit 惊慌失措 chicken hearted/liver 胆小如鼠 as strong as a horse 壮如牛