Elementary - Turn left here! (B0016) A: Hurry up, get in. B: I’m in, let’s go! A: OK, make a left here. . . no wait, I meant make a right. Come on, speed up! B: Geez! What’s the rush? A: Don’t worry about it, just drive. Oh, no, the light is about to change. . . step on it! B: Are you nuts! I’m not going to run a red light! A: Whatever. Just turn right here. . . .The freeway will be packed at this hour. . . .let’s take a side street. Go on! Get out of our way! Move, move! B: What’s your problem! Geez. Having a fit is not going to help! A: Here, I know a short cut....just go down here, and we’ll cut though Ashburn Heights. Let’s go, let’s go! Watch out for that lady! B: I’m going as fast as I can! A: Yes! We made it. 5:58, just before the library closes. B: You’re such a geek! Key Vocabulary hurry up Phrase move faster make a left Phrase turn left step on it Phrase drive a lot faster nuts Adjective crazy speed up Verb go faster have a fit Phrase get very angry cut though Phrase quickly go past or though something that blocks you step on it Phrase drive a lot faster packed Verb full, having lots of cars Supplementary Vocabulary road rage Phrase be very angry at other drivers while driving back street Phrase small street that is away from the main streets u-turn Phrase a 180 degree turn in the car to back up Verb, Infinitive to move backwards, the opposite of go forwards to pass Verb, Infinitive to drive past another car on the road to pass a car on the road to park Verb, Infinitive to stop the car and turn off the engine
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