Elementary - Making an Appointment (B0023) A: Hello, Fairbrook Consulting, how may I help you? B: Yes, this is Julianne Horton, and I’m calling to arrange an appointment with Ms. McNealy. A: Certainly, what day were you thinking of? B: How’s Thursday? Does she have any time available then? A: Um. . . let me double check. . . unfortunately, she’s booked solid on Thursday, how does next Monday work for you? B: Actually, I’ve got something scheduled on Monday. Can she do Tuesday? A: Sure, Tuesday’s perfect. May I ask where you’re calling from? B: Sure, Merton Financial Advisors. A: Oh, actually, Tuesday’s no good. Sorry ’bout that. Key Vocabulary Verb to arrange appointment Noun (singular) an agreement to meet someone at a particular time available Adjective not busy, willing to talk to someone double check Phrase check again booked solid Phrase having no available place or time work for you Phrase be okay with you scheduled Verb planned at a specific time no good Phrase not okay Supplementary Vocabulary fully booked Phrase booked solid; having no space or time available fit you in Phrase find time to see someone in a busy schedule unavailable Adjective not available occupied Adjective busy doing something
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