Elementary - I Need More Time (B0042) A: So, Casey, how are things going with the photos for the press kit? B: Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I might need to ask for an extension on that deadline. A: You’ve had over a month to get this finalized! Why are things delayed? B: Well, the thing is, we ran into a lot of problems. . . A: I’m not looking for excuses here. I just want to get this finished on time! B: I know, and I apologize for the delay. But some things were just beyond my control. I had trouble booking the photographer, and then Michael was sick for three weeks, so I couldn’t include him in the photos, and the design team lost all the files, so I had to re-do the pictures. A: I’m not going to put this off any longer, Casey! I want those photos ASAP! Key Vocabulary press kit Noun (singular) group of photos, documents, articles, and information about a company given to reporters, newspapers, magazines, etc. I’ve been meaning to Verb, Present Perfect Progressive intend, plan to do something extension Noun (singular) make a deadline longer, extra time to do something Noun (singular) the date when something must be finished finalize Verb finish, decide on all the details delay Verb late run into Phrase meet or encounter beyond someone’s control Phrase not able to control something put (something) off Verb, Going to Future plan to do something later Supplementary Vocabulary due Adjective the date when something must be finished or happen Verb not do something now that should be done; do something later procrastinate behind Adjective late with a project or things you have to do hold up Phrase delay or slow something tight deadline Phrase a deadline that is really difficult to meet
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