

2018-07-11    07'01''

主播: 颦🐰

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So the BFI is launching a new set of principles, there’s eight of them. And they are to do with bullying and harassment in the entertainment industry. These principles are important, because up until recently there were no guidelines, there was no protocol for someone that had been sexually harassed in the entertainment industry. 英国电影协会发布了一套全新的行为准则条款,共有8条,将矛头对准了如今这个娱乐行业中的霸凌与性骚扰。这些准则十分重要,因为在此之前根本没有任何指导方针和行为规范来帮助和指导圈内那些遭到性骚扰的人。 And I noticed it to be a fact, because I’ve asked for principles; I’ve asked to see guidelines,and no one could give them to me. No one could send me… ok, here’s the protocol that we follow when someone’s had this experience, which I found shocking. But one of the good thing that’s come out of this terrible situation is that the BFI in partnership with Equity, trade unions, you know, and 40 other really major organisations in the entertainment industry have come together to put together this set of guidelines. 我知道这就是事实,因为我曾提出要求,想看看行为规范方面的准则和规定,然而根本没人能提供相关材料。没人能告诉我说:“没错,这就是在有人遭遇性骚扰后我们会遵循的指导方案”。对此我感到尤为震惊。不过,这种糟糕可怕的局面也带来了某些好处:英国电影协会与演艺人士工会组织以及娱乐行业内的40余家大型组织机构共同合作,联手制定了这套行为规范。 They understand the subtleties of the hierarchy that works on a film set, what it’s like to work really long, strange unsociable hours. The BFI is enshrining the set of principles in their diversity standards. And what this means is that any one that applies of funding from the BFI has to sign this agreement and that they cannot receive funding without it. 只有他们明白在拍戏片场那种不言而喻的森严的等级制度,也只有他们明白长时间拍戏而缺乏跟外界交流的那种感觉。英国电影协会还将这套行为准则列入了多元化标准之中。这便意味着任何人要想申请英国电影协会的资金支持,都必须签署这项协议书,若不签署,便无法获得资金支持。 We hope that the industry will embrace and adopt this set of guidelines. And that as a result,it’s just going to become second nature for everyone, that there will just be more awareness, and a sense of being more mindful. So the other really cool thing about these standards is that they don’t just address protection, they also address equal representation. 我们希望业界能够广泛接受并采纳这套行为规范。这样的话,习惯成自然,这套规范会逐渐成为所有人的习惯性行为,同时还会有更多的意识觉醒,也会更加留心和关注这些问题。这套行为准则还带来了另一个好处:它不仅仅在强调要给予人们保护,更重要的是它还强调了平等和一视同仁。 Basically, the industry is going to have to start embracing a greater diversity of voices. So that means women; that means BAME community, the LGBTQI community, and people with disabilities. And this is really important because their voices haven’t been heard, and currently we have an entertainment industry that is not representative, and does not look like the world that we live in. 也就是说,这个行业终于要开始欣然拥抱并接受更多元化的声音,不乏包括女性、黑人亚裔及少数族裔、男女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者、酷儿及双性群体以及残疾人士。这点非常重要,因为他们的声音常常会被忽略,当前我们这个娱乐行业的代表性还远远不够,并不能够真实反映和代表我们生活的这个世界。 Along with Equity’s helpline for actors, and the CTBF is setting up an active phone line that will be ready from April onwards, which will be for anyone working behind the scenes in film and TV which is really important. A lot of conversations have been around harassment and abuse that has happened to women and men onscreen. 同时还有演艺工会的求助热线、电影电视慈善基金设立的一条服务热线电话,今年4月将正式开通,为所有影视幕后的工作人员提供服务和帮助,这非常有必要。关于银幕上男女演员的性骚扰和性侵问题已经引发了广泛且深入的社会探讨。 But a really big part of what happens is to the crew and you know, people that work below the line. That phone line will be there to support and address those survivors.This phone line will be run by professionals who are trained in how to deal specifically with survivors that are dealing with stress; dealing with depression, you know, just the specific problems that are associated with sexual harassment. 然而,绝大多数的这类事件都发生在剧组工作人员身上,也就是那些幕后工作者们。这条热线电话将会给这些人提供帮助和支援。这条热线将交由专业人士负责运营,他们经过专业培训,知道如何与遭受过性骚扰的人交流。 So there should be designated two people on set, one of each gender that are designated to help deal with these issues. Another really cool thing is that BFI and BAFTA are going to supply ongoing training for these two designated individuals. The fact that they’re providing training, support, follow-up, these kinds of things are really important, because they’re going to ensure that, you know, this keeps going into the future. 因此每个片场都会有两位指定的专业人士,一男一女,他们会专门解决此类问题。还有另一件好事:英国电影协会和英国电影电视艺术学院将会为这两位人士提供长期专业培训。有他们提供专业培训、支持帮助和后续跟进是非常重要的,因为他们将确保这套准则能够在未来一直持续下去。 And you know,there’s an official entity and body that is supporting these practices. The guidance is designed to make sure that workers know what their rights are, and they know how to seek health and support should they need it. To make sure that they actually understand the law that’s in place by making it kind of easy and accessible to understand, and that workers know how to properly report incidents. 你知道的,这项活动是由官方机构组织来支持、进行的。这套指导方针旨在让演艺人士明白自身的权利,并学会在必要时如何寻求健康指导和帮助,确保他们能够理解目前存在的相关法律条款,并通过更易理解的方式去理解这些法规。一旦类似事件发生,他们便会知道该如何进行申诉。