Vowel-6.Short Vowel【ɒ】

Vowel-6.Short Vowel【ɒ】

2018-03-31    03'36''

主播: 英语英音Vera

171 34

发音 口张大, 舌身后缩 双唇稍稍收圆,不要突出 单词 hot lot not box fox job god dog fog boss loss toss dock lock rock gosh josh posh shop chop song crop plot cross fond pond soft block clock knock 句子 The pond is hot. The box is locked. A frog sits on a log. There are a lot of dogs. The boss has a posh car. 同音 [ɒ] bloc block blond blonde doc dock knot not loch lock boy buoy 辩音 [ɒ] [ɒ:] box balks chock chalk cot caught fond fawned god gaud hock hawk stock stalk [ɒ] [ʌ] lock luck long lung shot shut gone gun fond fund song sung body buddy collar colour bother brother wander wonder [ɒ] [əʊ] on own not note hop hope odd owed cost coast want won’t model modal comma coma