Vowel-5.Long Vowel【ə:】

Vowel-5.Long Vowel【ə:】

2018-03-31    03'22''

主播: 英语英音Vera

154 33

发音 舌身平放 口半开半闭 发长音 单词 bird girl sir her verb were early earth learn word work world return turn urban certify herb merge birthday circle shirt concern nerve perfect Thursday surface burn Journalist journey entrepreneur 句子 Please turn around. The circle is perfect. Thursday is my best day. He returned home earlier. The girl is looking at the bird. 同音 fir fur per purr serf surf earn urn tern turn birth berth hertz hurts heard herd 辨音 [ə:] [eə] fur fair her hair heard haired purr pair stir stare were wear [ə:] [a:] fir far firm farm first fast stir star birth bath curd card hurt heart heard hard