

2018-03-31    03'19''

主播: 英语英音Vera

145 31

发音 口半开半圆 过渡双唇成圆形 单词 go no so poll roll toll fold gold hold pole role stole boat coat goat blow flow know only open over show slow snow lone note phone almost ghost host 句子 The phone is ringing. Please leave a note. The show is almost over. The snow falls slowly. Go boating on the lake. 同音 [əʊ] so sew toe tow role roll pole poll know no loan lone sole soul road rode hole whole groan grown 辨音 [əʊ] [aʊ] know now tone town load loud clone clown drone drown coach couch known noun [əʊ] [ɒ] own on note not hope hop owed odd coast cost won’t want modal model coma comma