Consonant-1.Voiceless consonants【p】

Consonant-1.Voiceless consonants【p】

2018-03-31    03'29''

主播: 英语英音Vera

191 33

发音 双唇紧闭 突然放开 气流外泄 声带不震动 S后p音要读成相应的浊辅音b 单词 top sip tap pen pin pod pace pack paint part pause people place problem put stop type wipe copy whip jeep hope shape shop help plump photo appear opinion report 句子 Please stop. Type the report. Buy a pen in the shop. It is a good place to take photos. Copy the shape on the paper. 同音 [p] pair pare peal peel peer pier peak peek plain plane paid payed paced paste packed pact piece peace pause paws 辨音 [p] [b] pig big pin bin pet bet pay bay pull bull cup cub pear bear pare bare pace base plank blank