

2017-01-05    03'34''

主播: 深海底_

452 19

The Guggenheim Grotto - 《Wisdom》 The road is long 长路漫漫 You're gonna get thrown about 你已忘却路途的终点 Stick to the rhythm 就紧随这个步调 Breathe it in and breath it out 深作呼吸 长吁一口气 Do what you do, there isn't any secret 做你想要做的事吧 没什么可隐瞒的 Chop wood, draw water, roll cigarettes 砍柴 打水 卷根烟 Find a lover, put a flower in her hair 寻找一个恋人 把花儿别在她发间 Climb a mountain, see the mountain disappear 攀上山峰 一览众山小 Be the first to go back to the ghost town 成为第一个到达那片空荡冷清之地的人 Break bread with the man that's gonna bring you down 与一个伙计一同进餐 让你心情不爽 Deep, deep down 在我心里 在我内心深处 I listen and I hear what's said 我听见一个声音传来 I follow it from a to zed 我听完了它说的话 But wisdom hasn't found me yet 然而我却并没有聪明一点 You're feeling scared, Jesus is your bodyguard 你内心忐忑不安 祈求上帝守护着你 You feel alone, take a look in your backyard 你感到孤独 站在家后院四处张望着 Put your eye to the eye of a telescope 你朝望远镜的小孔望去 The universe looks back through a microscope 世间万物尽收眼底 Adopt a highway, dress yourself in camel hair 穿一身驼绒大衣 扫扫公路垃圾 A wasted life is a life lived unaware 虚度一生便是浑噩一生 Make money, put it on a number eight 挣钱到八位数吧 Tempt fate, maybe you're a wheel goin' round 挑战命运 也许你如车轮滚滚向前 Round and round 生生不息 I listen and I hear what's said 我听见一个声音传来 I follow it from a to zed 我听完了它说的话 But wisdom hasn't found me yet 然而我却并没有聪明一点 I listen and I hear what's said 我听见一个声音传来 I follow it from a to zed 我听完了它说的话 But wisdom hasn't found me yet 然而我却并没有聪明一点 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~
上一期: Black Orpheus
下一期: Trella