

2017-09-25    03'08''

主播: 香港詩人電台

244 3

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 《Sealed With Kisses For My Love》 by Shaikh Haneef The soft autumn breeze Whispers in our ears The weakness hits our knees As that special moment nears The closer you come The tighter you hold me My body becomes numb Like it was always meant to be As you come near There's a smile on my face I know there is nothing to fear When my heart begins to race The sounds become unheard A feeling I've had never You say that special word That lasts in my heart forever Our breath slows down We're now face to face Our love is renown As our lips willingly embrace 《一吻情深》 翻譯 : 素一 朗誦 : 蘊之 🍁 秋風緩緩吹來 像在悄悄耳語 身心放軟開懷 幸福一刻來襲 你越向我靠前  我被摟得更牢  全身酥軟如棉  永遠相擁就好 你慢慢靠向我  我笑著臉相迎  沒什麼嚇倒我  我已激動難平  漸漸聲細如沙  美好前所未有 你那暖心情話  心蕩神馳永留  呼吸柔若游絲  慢慢凝眸廝磨 愛得如醉如癡  一吻情深忘我