

2018-06-27    05'27''

主播: iikiLaw

437 2

[NARRATOR 南加州,洛杉矶口音] 00:00:10 July 20,1969,astronaut Neil Amstrong and Buzz Aldrin, became the first men to land on the moon. [Background Sound] 00:00:20 That&`&s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. [NARRATOR] 00:00:30 Just like aliens, visiting from another world, it is been the stuff of science fiction. Now, everything that could be imagined seemed possible. If mankind could travel these skies and go to other planets, why couldn&`&t beings from other planets visit the Earth? Amidst the wave of modern UFO sightings, a new theory emerged, that aliens visited the Earth in antiquity and were regarded as Gods. But if that were true, wouldn&`&t there be proof? Perhaps, there was. All we needed to do, was open our eyes, and our imaginations. The proof , perhaps, was all around us. [Background Text] 00:01:26 Who were they? Why did they come? What did they leave behind? Where did they go? Will they return? Season1 Episode Zero 第一季 第0集 Chariots, Gods, and beyond. 战车,众神,太空。 [NARRATOR] 00:01:55 In May of 2008, a startling proclamation was issued by the Vatican. For the first time in his 2000-year history, the Catholic Church acknowledged the possibility that intelligent life could exist on other planets and that believe in extraterrestrials did not contradict to a believe in God. [ DR.LUIS NAVIA (目测是位印度人,英语真难懂- -) PROF. OF PHILOSOPHY NY INST. OF TECHNOLOGY ]00:02:20 [...]Which means, of cause, that we&`&re now entering an age in which the universe is beginning to be conceived in different ways from what it was before. And if it is a reality for us, why could it not have been a reality for other beings in the universe could have visited our Earth and perhaps guided culture in ancient time. [NARRATOR] 00:02:43 But just what spark the sudden turnaround in religious thought? Could the church have been influenced by recent scientific discoveries? In 2002, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft detected enormous reserviors of ice beneath the Martian surface. The presence of ice and the possibility of water suggested that life could be sustained or even generated on another planet. After decades of orbiting space shuttles and robotic rovers, the idea of sending man back into space to Mars and beyond ignited the imagination and brought back the notion that mankind and alien beings had crossed past before. In 1968, just one year before Neil Armstrong&`&s epic space flight, a book was published that forever change the way many in the scientific, religious and creative communities what view their home planet. Written by Swiss author Eric Von Daniken, > attempted to prove that alien explorers has visited the Earth thousands of years ago. [ ERICH VON DANIKEN (本纪录片导演、众神战车一书作者。德系口音 ) AUTHOR, CHARIOTS OF THE GODS] 00:04:02 When I was a young man, I was educated as a strict Catholic in a boring school, and there we had to make translations of parts of Bibles, Greek to Latin, Latin to German, for example, the first books of Moses. "Before the Lord descends from the holy mountain, Moses was ordered to construct a gate around the mountain, otherwise the Israelite will be damaged..." I was shocked, I said this is impossible, my god, he would never use first a gate to protect himself or to protect Israelite. What are they talking about? And now the work started. I started to read thousands of the pages of the beginning of the religions of the every mythology. It&`&s always the same story, of cause, of the different names with different heroes. Somebody descends from the sky to the human. Our forefathers could not understand it. They believed these are some gods. I was shocked. I asked the questions. Were primitive human influenced by extraterrestrials, not the gods? And if it always like what I suggested, where&`&s the proof? So you start trying to find ablest indicates. That&`&s what I have done now for at least 45 years. You have Victorian evidence, you have artifact archeology, and you have what&`&s come out of old literature. hundreds of indicates which you cannot deny anymore...